Chapter 2

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Hello my lovelies. In all honesty I think this book isn't very good. I thought I'd write some of it, it would be hated, and I would end up deleting it. But I  got some pretty good feedback on chapter one so I shall continue.


Louis tried to figure out a way to get out of the RV. He knew this could be his only chance to escape. He quickly hurried out the door and rushed outside. Corpses were everywhere. They walked with no direction (A/N: hehe direction). Louis moved forward. They stared at him. What if they were sensing that he was alive. One moved closer towards him. Louis bolted. That just made them chase him. He glanced back every couple of seconds. While watching his back he soon tripped over his own two feet and face planted the ground. The corpses began to surround him. Then he heard a loud plopping sound. The corpses hurried away from him. Louis realized that a large hunk of bloody meat had been flung. Louis got to his feet and turned, surprised to see H standing right in front of him. H carefully seized his arm, as if he were afraid to break Louis.

"D-didn't I- t-ell y-you to staay?"

"Yea I know but I need to go home. My friend are probably worried sick." H pulled them back into the RV and locked the door. "I mean I can't stay here forever H!" H went silent and handed Louis a paper bag. Louis pulled it open and found a variety of canned foods. "This for me?" Lou asked. H gave him a look as if to say "obviously". Louis smiled as H found a sharp pocket knife and jabbed it into the can. Louis was surprised when H left. H went to the back of the RV and out of sight. How did he know Louis needed his space? 

H curled up in a ball on the floor of the bathroom of the RV. He still had some of the girl, Eleanor's brain left over. Sick, but he knew that if he didn't save it he wouldn't eat for a while. He couldn't ever bring himself to eat Louis. Oddly enough, he didn't even want to eat Louis. He wanted to get to know him better. All curled up, H began to eat again. Memories of the girl's high school graduation filled his head. Navy and white caps and gowns floated through-out a high school gym. H wished he could remember high school. He didn't even know how old he was! What if he was still supposed to be in high school? But what he really wanted to know more than anything, was how he died. What had his life been like? Did he get along with his parents? Did he have brothers and sisters? Did have a beautiful girlfriend? Was he anything like Louis? Like Eleanor?

He guessed he would never know. H suddenly wished he could sleep. He wished he could dream. He wished a lot of things. H rubbed his eyes and was shocked to find moisture there. Of course it was a very dark grayish, almost black blood. That was the closest thing to tears for a corpse. But why was he crying? He had thought about his past plenty of other times. Why was he crying when there was a very beautiful human boy only ten feet away from him? H wiped the dark bloody tears and got to his feet. He rinsed his hands and watched as dirt and blood left his hands and went down the drain. He sighed as he dried them and left the bathroom. He came back and found an empty can of fruit on the floor and Louis sleeping soundly in one of the chairs. H smiled at him. Louis looked adorable when he slept. His caramel hair messy around his forehead, his mouth slightly open. H didn't want to be creepy so he moved to the drivers seat of the RV and watched as the sun went down.

Louis woke up the next morning with a start. Where was his warm bed? He looked around and found himself in a cluttered RV. Oh yes, of course. How could he have forgotten so easily? A corpse had saved his life and was now practically holding him prisoner. Well okay maybe he was exaggerating. H wasn't exactly keeping him prisoner; he just wanted to keep him alive. Which was nice and all, but Louis just wanted to go home. He wanted to see his sisters and Liam and Zayn again. But more than anything he wanted to see El again. Who even knew if she had made it or not?

Of course she made, Louis told himself. She was Eleanor. She was strong, she was tough. She could make it out of anything. Louis didn't see H around anywhere so he stared exploring the RV. It was filled with all kinds of things. Louis was surprised to find a record player. He looked at the old dusty records and spotted an album by The Fray. Louis missed listening to those guys. He turned on the record player and smiled as Never say Never began playing. After listening to the whole album H appeared. Louis smiled at him, the music had definitely cheered him up.

"Hey," Lou greeted him. Louis decided that maybe being locked in an RV with a corpse wasn't so bad. "What can we do that's fun?" Lou asked. H shrugged. "Wait there's a lambo in the parking lot. Why don't we take it for a spin?" And before H could even react Louis was pulling him by his wrist to the shiny car. Louis began to hotwire it. H raised an eyebrow.

"When the city's overrun by flesh eating zombies, you learn a few things," Lou said. H rolled his eyes. Louis noticed that, even though they were blood shoot, his eyes were shockingly green. Pure green. A very beautiful green. Lois hopped into the car and H went to the passenger's side. Louis revved the engine and listened to it purr. Then he began driving. He drove extremely fast and out of control. H nearly held on to his seat for dear life. Not that he could be killed if the crashed. Louis spun in circles and glanced over to see H's worried face. He smiled as he noticed how good looking H really was. Especially for a dead guy. Yeah, maybe being stuck with a corpse wouldn't be so bad at all.


I know it's short but it seemed like a good place to stop. Okay so the last chapter got 6 comments and 6 votes so I'm going to ask for 5 comments and 5 votes for the next chapter. Hope that isn't too much to ask. Love you guys.

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