Chapter 3

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Fuck. It's been forever since I've updated but I've been busy lately. Plus I don't have a computer to type on. Sorry if this chapter sucks because honestly I saw Warm Bodies in February and its now fucking June so I don't remember that shit. I basically am writing my own fanfic inspired by the movie. Oh yeah and happy birthday to me.

H eyed the way Louis's small hands gripped the leather steering wheel.

"You want to drive?" Lou asked. H raised his eyebrows. Did he even know how to drive? No. At least, not that he could remember. Maybe he had once known how to drive. When he was alive. As Louis stopped and H froze. Lou jumped out of his seat and ran around to H's side pulling open his door. He grabbed h's arm and pulled him around to the drivers' side.

"You just press your foot down on the gas and use the wheel to turn," Louis said softly. H nodded and pushed his completely worn out sneaker-clad foot against the gas pedal. The vehicle roared and began speeding down the empty street.

"Hey you're pretty good at this," Louis laughed. H froze once again and glanced over at Lou. 

"What?" Louis asked. "Oh yeah my laugh. I know. Lots of people have informed me of how loud, obnoxious, and unattractive it is. H longed to tell him how wrong all those other people were. H hadn't paused because Louis' laugh annoyed him. He had paused because he wanted to listen even closer to the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. For as long as he had been alive (or dead rather) he had never heard such a beautiful sound come from such a lovely creature. H just shook his head.

"H! H! The road!" Louis shouted as the car swerved into a tree. Louis quickly jumped out of the car and surveyed the damage. The hood was smashed completely in. "Geez are you trying to kill us?" Louis asked. H stared at him.

"Back," H said.

"You want to go back? Come on aren't we having fun?" Lou asked. He didn't want to go back. He hated being surrounded by corpses. The only corpse he sort of liked being around was H. H was different. He was special. Wasn't that what H had just told Louis two days ago?

"Have to g-go back. It safe..." Louis knew that H wouldn't give up so he sighed.

"Alright let's go back." The two started the walking back. They had gotten pretty far away and the walk would take some time. It took nearly an hour to get back to the station. It was getting dark.So dark that Louis tripped in the darkness. He landed hard on his hands. H could smell the blood. Oh no. This would be trouble. And sure enough bonies were emerging from their hiding places. Bonies didn't like sunlight. It couldn't kill them or anything but its brightness bothered their eyes and skin. Now that Louis was bleeding they were sure to come out and attack. H pulled Louis to his feet and began to run. A bony caught up to the pair quickly and lashed out. It grabbed Louis by his ankle and held on tight. Louis felt pain as nails dug into the flesh. He struggled to get free but the grip around his ankle tightened until he a crunch. Louis gasped in pain as H wrapped an arm around his waist and kicked the bony away.

"H," Louis gasped. His ankle was broken and bleeding. He could barely walk on it; let alone run away from flesh eating corpses. "I can't walk." H gripped Louis's waist tighter and swung his legs upward. He carried him bridal style and began to run. This wouldn't end well. Louis closed his eyes a she wrapped his arms around h's neck and buried his face. H struggled to get Louis to the safest place possible. It was hard to focus with Louis' eyelashes fluttering against the skin of his neck. He finally got Louis back to the RV. It wasn't the safest place but it was the closest. H locked the door  He would have to get Louis out of there when there was nobody was around. He set Louis down and started locking the windows. Louis let out a scream. H whipped around and spotted N along with three other corpses. One of them lunged for Louis. H sprang into action. He went for the corpse pushing him away from Louis. He knew to go for the head. N stared at him in shock as he killed three of his own kind. N moved towards Louis. H snapped up.

"Food," N breathed pointing at Louis. H shook his head. "Food. Eat," N repeated. H shook his head again. N sighed. What was this simple human boy doing to H? And what were the two of them doing to the corpses?


This sucks. Just like typing on my new computer. I on my this chapter on my birthday last week and just finished it.

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