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(Ava's POV*)

I felt bump after bump under my back, I opened my eyes fast and gasped for air.

"BP over 40" One of the EMT's said. I looked over to see Nick sitting there with his hands covering his mouth crying.

"I'm sorry." I whisper with little breath I have.

"No, it's okay, you're okay. We will get through this." He whispers. I nod fast and then feel my eyes go heavy, and then everything goes black.

(Nick's POV*)

"She has to live, she has to." Amanda say.

"She will. I promise." I tell her hugging her and standing still as she cries into my shoulder.

After about 7 hours, the doctors come out looking very depressed.

"The baby survived, Ava is gonna need to recover, " They say. we all sigh with relief.

"What is Ava gonna do when she finds out the baby survived?" Fin asks.

"I don't know, but we will all keep an eye on her." Carisi says. We all nod.

"No." Munch appears out of the corner of the room with tears in her eyes. "We are keeping her in the hospital, or she is living with me, but she is being kept under watch, every second, every minute, every day."

"What? Why?" Carisi asks butting in. "You don't trust us enough?" 

"No, i trust you guys plenty, but it seems that every time she is with one guys she ends getting hurt or hurting herself." Munch states.

"Well Amanda adopted her, it should be up to her." Carisi says. 

"Guys calm do-" I was cut off my Munch.

"Well then lets ask Amanda." Munch says as they both turn to Amanda.

"Carisi it might be a good idea to let her stay with him for  little while." She says to Carisi.

Carisi rolls his eyes and walks out. I feel bad, He also loves Ava like she is his own. 

We all sit down for about another hour because Ava needs some time to sleep, but we all truly wants to go in there and just talk to her or see her adorable tiny smile, but we know we wont see that for a long time. Then Carisi come back.

The doctor came in and looked at all of us. "She is going to be waking soon, but the medication that she is on will make her very confused and tired so i would only say one of you guys can go in at a time." 

"Okay" Amanda nods. " I dont want to go in if somebody else wants to." 

"I will." Carisi says.

"Okay." She nods as Carisi follows the doctor to the room Ava is in. 

(Carisi's POV*)

I take a step into Ava's room and see her small body in the bed, so many wires hooked up to machines to her body. She looks like a baby is a king sized bed. I slowly walk up to her, she is still asleep. 

I sit in the soft chair next to her bed and slowly pick up her small bruised hand. 

"Ava you have to wake up, we all love you, we are so sorry that this happened to you, and if i could, i would take all your pain and inflict it onto myself." I say starting to cry. I hold her hand tightly and place my elbows on her bed, and bring her hand in mine to my forehead. 

I sit there for about 3 minutes crying, that i didnt realize she had woken up.

I heard a sigh and when i lifted my head up, she was staring straight at me.

"Ava." I look at her with a tear sliding down my face. "Please, we love you, dont ever do that again."

She nodded as her bottom lip curled, "Im so sorry." She said starting to sob. 

I hate seeing her cry, i quickly stood up and sat on the bed with her. I lifted her top half onto my lap being careful of all her wounds. "I know baby i know, please dont cry anymore, i hate seeing you like this."

"I hate feeling like this. Every time i close my eyes i can feel him, on me, in me, his touch makes me want to rip my hair out. it scares me just to think about him, and the fact my parents might know about it and they didnt do anything to stop it, makes me feel worthless and i want to kill myself. The fact that i have a little brother and they love him, makes me sad, and why should he get to live with them when they put me for adoption and they dont care?" She sobbed into my shirt for a minute.

There were so many times i wanted to stop her and reassure her but i know nothing i say can change this and what she thinks. 

"I know baby, don't worry, i got you. I will keep you safe forever, you have us. We all love you, he will never ever touch you again. I promise." I said, and for some reason, she stopped crying, she just stayed where she was and continued to shake, she believed me, she trusted me. And i trust her.

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