Bring your sister to work day?

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(Ava's POV*)

So yesterday I was adopted by a really kind women named Amanda. She is a Special Victims Unit detective. Her team is really nice and funny. I am sleeping in the guest room, which will soon be mine.

I wake up to the sun warming my skin. I hear music playing, and Amanda singing in the kitchen. I roll out of bed, and I am in a pair of sweat pants and in a t-shirt as I walk out of the guest room.

I walk into the kitchen and Amanda notices me.

"Morning sunshine!" She smiled.

"Good morning." I replied sitting next to her.

"So today, I was thinking that you can come to work with me, and then after we can go shopping and get you some clothes." She said.

"Oh, okay. Are you sure? I have some clothes."

"Ava, you have 2 pairs of sweat pants and 3 shirts."

"Hey! That's hurtful! Those shirts are comfy!" I said sarcastically and playfully. She punched my playfully and laughed. I got dressed, and she did too. Then she helped me do my hair, and we went to the precinct.

When we arrived, I sat next to Nick at his desk while Amanda goes into the office.

"Hello." He smiled.

"Hi." I said as I looked at his notepad and pictures on his desk. "What ya doing?"

"Oh this? It's a case. A women was raped and murdered."

"By who?" I asked.

"Well that's what we need to find out." He laughed at my stupid question.

"Oh yea." I laughed. He started to type on his computer.

"Are you good at math?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, she was has a husband who was born in 1970, how old is he now?" He asked trying to think of the answer of his own question.

Before he could think of the answer, I blurted out "45" with in a second.

"Wow, good job." I just nodded. "Carisi, listen, she is a math wiz. Ask her something." I felt my face lose its color. I hate being asked stuff.

"What's 95 times 12?" He asked.

"1,140." I said.

"Damn, she is right." He said holding up his calculator. I smiled. "Good job." I nodded.

"So is Amanda dating anybody?" I asked.

"Umm, no. But if you are worried because you won't have a dad, we will be your uncles. But we are very protective." Nick said.

"Oh great." I laughed as Amanda came out.

"Captain gave me an early day if you want to go shopping now?" she said.

"Ok, cool." I said standing up. We were walking out when nick stood up.

"Hey don't let her buy any pants that come above her ankle." He said in a sarcastic voice like he was being over protective causing me and the team to laugh. Me and Amanda walked to the car and got in it. We drove to American Eagle.

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