chapter 9

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"In my wildest dreams, I could never have imagined such an imposing creature." Ben told his ancestor.

"Thank thee." Sarah smirked. "Thou canst not know what my bondage hath been like. Who art thou?"

"Ben Ravencroft," the horror novelist replied. "Your descendant from the modern world."

"Modern?" Sarah questioned, looking around her. "Not much seems to have changed."

"Please don't hurt us, I have a little girl at home!" the mayor begged as he looked frightened of being around a real ghost.

looked at Sarah and winced. "That is one ugly looking ghost."

"PARDON!?" Sarah glared at him.

Abby nudged Duncan to make him shut up, that could have killed him.

"Sarah, I want to become powerful like you, help you with your revenge against Mary Ruth Youngblood and Laura Evergreen." Ben tried to take her hand.

"Thou jest!" Sarah laughed.

"But it was I who released you!" Ben added in defense. "You should serve me!"

"I serve no one!" Sarah scolded. "Leastwise a worm like thee! Aye, thou hast freed me, so now I can punish the world for my long imprisonment. I shall create an era of darkness over thy land!" Sarah laughed as she made the trees around her fade and crack down, coming toward Shaggy and Scooby.

"LOOK OUT!" Abby pushed the cowardly teen and Great Dane away.

Shaggy and Scooby yelped and Abby turned into an armadillo once they were out of the way and curled into a ball to protect herself from the blast. Shaggy and Scooby then went to try to help Mayor Corey and Mr. McKnight from their stocks.

"This isn't what I re-invisioned!" Ben was shocked. "We were supposed to rule the world together, not destroy it!"

"I care not for thy whims!" Sarah scoffed. "Cross thy path and I shall destroy thee along with thy world!"

"But I have the book!" Ben protested. "And I will return you back into the book! 'Ancient evil, get thee hence'-"

Sarah laughed wickedly, making Ben feel like he wasn't as bad as he thought he was. "Thinkest thou art a wiccan? Only a virtuous soul can imprison me." Sarah then threw a ghost ball at Ben and trapped him.

Cindy pointed and laughed at Ben.

"Shut up, you little brat!" Ben snarled to her.

"DO MY BIDDING, BIRD!" Sarah summoned a giant turkey to eat them alive.

"Hey guys, there's a giant turkey right behind you." Duncan told Shaggy and Scooby.

Velma was trying to think of an idea while Shaggy and Scooby were laughing at the turkey at first, but saw he was big and mean, scaring them instantly.

Sarah was laughing at everyone's misfortunes until she sensed someone and turned to see a woman with very pale skin, long flowing blonde hair, a long green, a flower necklace, and red boots, who was coming right toward her.

"Hello, Sarah."

Sarah turned around and gasped in response. "Laura Evergreen?!"

"Surprised to see me?" Laura asked, she sounded just as gentle as Dawn normally would.

"It's impossible..." Sarah hissed. "How's thou found me and how was thou summoned?"

"The same way you were... Only my descendant is filled with peace and love while yours is only filled with greed and hate." Laura seemed to taunt Sarah.

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