Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 of Did Not See That Coming!


"Shit." He whispered, looking me over.

I tried explaining to him what happened, but all that he could hear were mumbles.

"Oh, here let me help you." He walked over to me, and looked at me apologetically.

I gave him a questioning look.

"Sorry, this is going to hurt." Danny grabbed the end of the duct tape, and ripped it off fast.

"Ow!" I yelled.

"You okay?"

"Yeah." I whispered.

He gave me once last glance over before walking over to his bed.

"Can you untie my hands?" I asked.


"You're in on this whole kidnapping?"

"Not exactly." His dark hair fell into his mezmerizing blue eyes.

"Then why can't you untie me?"

"Uncles rules. I'm not even allowed to talk to you."

"Then why are you?"

He completly ignored my question, and changed the subject. "I saw you at Mich's party."

"Yeah. You were staring at me. Why?"

He chuckled. "You ask 'why' a lot, don't you?"

"Just...Why am I here?"

"There's another one!" He laughed.

"Ugh! You're impossible!" I yelled.

"Hey. Keep it down. My uncle may be passed out drunk, but he can still wake up. He's not a real heavy sleeper."

"Sorry...Hey, what's your name?"

He looked at me, and smiled. "Danny. You?"


"Nice." He nodded.


We sat in uncomfortable silence, for a while. The only thing making noise was Danny's small T.V.

"Do you go to my school? I mean, you kind of live out of town a ways..." I mumbled.

"Yeah, I do. I saw you around. You always looked, I don't know, sad."

"Oh, really?"

"I can see people. You always showed happiness, but inside you were dying for soomeone to come and save you."

I was shocked. He hit the nail on the head.

I always had good friends, but my home life sucked. No one was ever home, and my brother Chase moved away for college. I was all alone.

My parents ditched me when I turned sixteen. They said they were going out on vacation...But they never came back. They only call once every two weeks to see how I'm doing, and those phone calls only last two minutes. They don't care about me. They've told me that flat out.

I didn't realise I was crying until I saw Danny walk over to me with concern written all over his face.

He kneeld down in front of me, then cupped my face in his hands, and wiped my tears away with his thumbs. My skin began to tingle where Danny cupped my face. What this meant, I don't know...

His pale blue eyes never left mine. I felt as if they wre trying to discover my secrets.

"Are you okay?" He whispered.

"I-I think so." I stuttered.

Suddenly my stomach growled very loudly. I haven't aten anything all day.

I felt the heat rising to my face under his hands, as Danny chuckled.

"You hungry?" He asked.

"Maybe a little..."

"I'll be right back." He let go of my face, and walked quietly up the steps.

I tried to remember seeing Danny at school, but I couldn't remember him. I'm pretty sure a kid like that would stand out in my school. He was hot, and very few guys at that school are hot. Maybe he's in a different grade? No, he looks my age. Maybe older?

Footsteps came down the stairs, and I saw Danny walking over to me with arms full of pop and chips. I just noticed his full arm tattoo on his right arm.

"You have a tatto?" I questioned, as he sat on the floor at my feet.

He looked down at is arm and smiled. "Yeah. My uncle didn't think it was a good idea, but I'm glad I got it." He opened a can of Dr. Pepper, and took a swig of it. "Want some?" He asked, holding the can out to me.

"I'd love some. But I can't take the can."

"Then I'll have to help you." He smiled, putting the can to my lips and tipping it.

The pop went down my throat, and quenched my thirst. I slightly shook my head telling Danny to take the can away.

When he took the can from my lips, he set it down on the ground. He then opened up a bag of barbeque chips.

"Why haven't I seen you at school?" I asked him.

"I'm invisible. Like, no one see's me, not even the techers most of the time. Like, Mr. Evans. He was doing roll call, I was sitting in the front row right on front of him, and he marked me absent." He explained, putting a chip in his mouth.

"Mr. Evans was always a dumb ass." I giggled.

"I guess. Chip?" Danny held a chip out to me.

I nodded, eager for the food my stomach was begging for.

He put the chip in my mouth, and my tastebuds exploded with flavor. These had to be the best barbeque chips I've ever tasted, in my life. I moaned, and tilted my head back. "Damn those are good!" I said.

"Best chips in town." Danny smiled happily, putting more chips into his mouth.

"You got that right. Feed me another?" I smiled sweetly at him.

"Of course." He smiled back, putting more chips into my mouth.


I yawned. "What time is it?" I asked sleepily.

"About two thirty." Danny said, just as tired. "Thank god it's the weekend."

"Yeah." I yawned again.

"Look, I hate to do this, but..." He placed a new strip of duct tape over my mouth. "Just in case." He winked at me, and my heart fluttered.What the hell? I thought.

"I'll see you in the morning, Sky. Night." He gave me a small wave, and walked over to his bed. I watched as he took off his shirt. Just as he was about to unbutton his skinny jeans, he looked over at me.

I quickly looked away, trying to hide my blush.

"Don't look you perv." He laughed.

I looked at him, and made sure he saw me roll me eyes.

He chuckled, and slid his pants down, only leaving a pair of green boxers. He slipped into his bed, and sighed.

A few minutes later the basement was filled with his quiet snores.

I learned a little more about Danny tonight. Not much, but enough to know he was super nice, and funny. We talked and told jokes for most of the night. But, sleep took over.

I knew my neck would have kinks in it tomorrow for trying to sleep tied up in a chair, but I didn't care. My eye lids drooped, and I fell asleep to the sounds of Danny's soft snores.


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