As I picked it up it started ringing, telling me it had an unread text. I flipped the phone open and read it. It was from my number!

Looks like sum1s lost their fone! Ha bitch! {Da Bitch}

I glared at the phone for a moment. I wasn't sure who's it was, but I was going to find out who took mine. Another text came in, this one said it was from Hayden.

Bet you want to know which one of us took your phone! xD Too bad, I'm not telling. {The Shiznit}

I wonder who's smart Idea it was to take my phone. I was seriously going to kill these guys. I got another text, this time from my phone again.

Have fun on ur lil scavngr hunt! Look at ur bed for da first clue. <Da Bitch>

I did as the text said and looked at my bed. There sat a little note. 

I'm blond and slutty. I hit on everyone at this school. Find me.

          From your awesome, sexy, roommates.

I growled at the note. I was seriously going to make the guys pay for this. I snatched who evers phone off my bed and stormed out of the room. 

I into walked too the admin office and quickly  saw another note taped to the desk.

"So you are the one those yummy boys left the note for." The lady behind the desk frowned. I just glared at her and then read the note.

Apparently you aren't as stupid as we guessed. I have the same name as dirt, I drove you to school. Find me.

          From your awesome, sexy, roommates.

"How am i supposed to find Clayton?! I don't even fuckin' know where his dorm is!" I grumbled to myself, as I crumpled the note and put it in my pocket.

"Clayton Tams?" The slut asked, raising her eye brow a little.

"I don't know his last name!" I barked.

Miss Slut rolled her eyes. "Black hair? Tall? Rude? Picked you up?" 

"Yeah." I replied shortly. My face was angry.

"Room 160. He usually spends his time in the pool though." She answered boredly.

I turned on my heel and walked out of the building, muttering 'skany, whore, stalker' under my breath.

The walk to Clay's room was fast seeing as I was practically running. I was so pissed it wasn't even funny.

As I came to room 160 I saw another note taped to the door.

This is going to be a hard one. I'm a square where no one can find you. I don't have a great view, just some bricks. Find me.

          From your awesome, sexy, roommates.

This note actually made me smirk. I knew exactly where they were. They were in the court yard me and Kyle were in yesterday.

"Ass holes." I grumbled as I ran down the corridor. I took turn after turn until I was outside and right beside the court yard. I could hear the guys.

"You think she will find us?" I smirked, Parker's voice sounded worried.

Rage's voice replied, "Pfft no! She's just a dumb bitch. Plus no one other than us and Kyle no about this place."

I clenched my fists. Nobody calls me a dumb bitch and get's away with it.

"Dude, you just met her. No need to be mean." Hayden defended me. 

"I'm going agree with Hayden here." Parked piped in. Go little innocent one!

"You guys just want in her pants." Rage scoffed. There was a 'whack' sound and then some groaning.

"Fuck Parker! Why'd you punch me?" Rage shouted. His words were a little slurred. Go Parker!

" 'Cause not everyone is a man whore like you." Parker's voice was confident. I liked that. Guy knew how to stand up for himself.

"You too act like your 10." Hayden grumbled. 

"Shut the fuck up." Rage mumbled.

"Who's idea was this again?" Parker asked loudly.

"Rage's." Hayden answered sounding annoyed. 

I figured now was as good a time as ever to go and attack the boys. 

Actually, I think I'll just attack Rage. It was his idea, and he called me a dumb bitch. Both good reasons to beat him to a pulp.

I quietly pulled back some of the branched is the tree to see where the guys were. Rage was sitting on the ground with his eyes closed with a hand on his jaw. Parker and Hayden were leaning against the tree smoking. 

They looked at me and I could tell they were about to say something. I put a finger over my mouth, motioning for them to be quiet. They understood and just watched me as I walked swiftly and quietly over to Rage.

I stood over him, "So I'm a dumb bitch eh?" I growled pulling Rage up from the ground by his green hair.

"OW! Fuck! I never said that!" He cried out.

"Like hell you didn't say it! I heard you say it with my own ears!" I whispered with a dangerous voice. I had Rage's face within centimeters of mine.

"Fine. I said it. What's wrong with speaking the truth?" He smirked.

"Wrong answer fuck-tard." I whispered. I brought my knee up and slammed Rage's face into it. I let go of his hair after that and left him fall to the ground.

"Oh shit!" I heard Parker whisper.

Rage stood up, "You fuckin' bitch." He whispered as he glared daggers at me. I glared back. He lunged at me and I was tackled to the ground. He started punching me in the jaw. I brought my right arm up and punched him scare in the ribs. He stopped punching me for a spit second.

I took my opportunity and flipped Rage off me. I jumped on him and started punching every inch of him I could see. Rage didn't even attempt to block any of the punches. 

I felt sorry for him and stopped punching, but I continued to stadle him.

"So what am I again?" I sneered.

"A fuckin' strong chick." Rage replied though a swollen, bloody, lip.

"That's right." I smirked getting off him.

"Now if you don't mind, I'll have my phone back."

Alone In A Sea of BoysWhere stories live. Discover now