My Fishy Boyfriend 7

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Melodi's P.O.V (Exciting I know)

As I watched Clae duck down into the pool, I my gaze travelled throughout the cave. I sighed and crouched down to the floor, sitting on the edge of the pool letting me legs drape into its cool waters. I blinked and frowned at my still human legs. I guess not this time. I wiggled my toes under the surface and stood back up, deciding I wouldn't mope about it any longer.

My eyes flickered to the candle in the corner and I shut my eyes tightly.

My mind immediately swam towards my father. When I was little I had received a scar from him. He was drunk the night our power when out. So I had set up candles so we wouldn't completely be in the dark. He had been angry with me for talking back when I asked about my mother. My father had grabbed the candled and swooped the flame over my upper arm. I ran outside to our backyard crying and clutching my arm tightly. The rain mirrored me feelings as I sat in the downpour. The rain drowned out my sobs as I sat. I somehow never felt alone while the rain crashed onto the ground. I always felt like nothing could touch me while it rained.

I gasped as I recalled the burn and reached up to my arm, fingering my scar. The scar itself didn't leave as big of a mark than it did on my heart.

I placed myself carefully on the cot and reached into my backpack to snatch my sketch book. I breathed out steadily, What to draw?

I had always had a girft of drawing without my eyes. It's kind of wierd, well its more than wierd, its downright creppy for anyone who observes me. But I think of it as sleep-drawing.

I let my mind wander once again, careful not to trespass in unwanted areas. I thought of Grover and Clae at the diner earlier that day. I really needed to call him and explain. I shook my head and concentrated again, only this time, I dissected Clae carefully and started to draw.

Clae had a strong look to him but not bulky. I started with his firm set jaw, and the way he quirked his lips into a half smile. I gingerly took on his nose next and how it slightly turned down. Clae's eyes stumped me, I imagined them how I did as a child but it didn't cut it. I sighed pushing my hair away from my face with my quick breath. I opened my eyes to see of what had become of my sketch and looked at the eyeless Clae from his broad shoulders up.

I groaned heavily, I can't do this.

That was true, on many levels.

As if on cue, Clae stumbled through the mouth of the cave bringing the summer heat with him. I smiled brightly, realizing this my smile faltered and I starred back at my sketch book.

Why was I so happy to see him? I wobbled my head and looked back up at Clae.

"Hey, Whatcha doin'?" he breathed.

"Drawing." I said simply

"Is that me?" he asked surprised.

I nodded, "You sound surprised," I addressed him blankly.

"What's wrong?" Clae sounded alarmed.

My heart fluttered in my chest as I breathed. "Nothing, its just... your eyes," I muttered quietly.

"Would you like me to model?" he smiled warmly.

I shrugged, "Sure, but i don't really need it."

I cut him off by closing my eyes and drawing. I starred hard at the back of my eyelids, picturing his blue ones and sculpting them perfectly.

 I opened my eyes to find Clae starring at my with awe. I shrunk back a little and heard him gasp.

"Thats amazing, your truly a great artist."

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