Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

Kane hit the gym for the second time today. Once before work and once after. His muscles were getting restless and he was growing stronger every day.

"Kane how was work today?" his sister Lena asked worriedly as she balanced her new baby boy on her hip.

He looked at her not sure if her cared to answer. She did ask him something similar nearly three times a day nowadays.

With half lidded eyes he rumbled, same as three hours ago Lena. The hurt doesnt break for a moment." his voice grew louder as he spoke.
"Working out in here just keeps my mind of the girl that was my world. And now the only link i had to her is completely severed with her father's death. Please just leave me be."

Lena sighed. "Did he tell you anything helpful before he passed?"

"Duo you really think I'd be here now off i knew where she was?" he dropped his bar bell to the ground causing the small baby to cry

"Nice Kane, just wonderful. Now hes crying." she snorted and stomped from the room.

Kane couldn't believe he had never been give the address were Colbie's mother had stolen her off to.He was talking over any day now and he was without a woman.

Damn! Frustratedly he slammed fist into the wall. How could he do it? Bury the man who had taught him every thing after his father's death and practically taught him everything he knew from eighteen to now. He owed the man his life. At nineteen Kane had turned it all around...

The funeral was in only a few hours... He as so not ready for this! Tomorrow would come too soon.

Kane hit the shower then headed for bed. Tomorrow he would lay to rest a good man.


Getting dressed to face the crowded funeral of a man you loved so much was tearing Kane apart. He knew how Michael felt about gatherings like these and he didn't care. He was bound to honor the man and now that he was gone... he couldn't stop Kane.

Kane chuckled as he pulled on his suit dress pants. They were black and fit his figure awkwardly since Kane's body was not meant to wear these fancy smancy clothing. He would have worn his more normal attire, jeans and a tee, if it wasn't that the funeral was for Michael O'Malley. A man Kane looked up to as he was his father.

He pulled on his socks and shoes then strode over to the hanger which held a dress shirt, a tie, and the suit coat he had rented. Lena had told him how much she knew it wasn't necessary but he still rented the monkey suit.

"Kane?!" Lena called as she came up the stairs toward Kane's guest room. His mother had offered for him to stay in the chateau, what was the point of a hotel room when the chateau had well enough rooms. Lena also was staying here with her new baby and her husband, Patrick.

"Yeah Lena?" He said stepping out of the bedroom. He was trying his damnedest to adjust his tie into place.

"Oh Kane," she sighed. "Let me help?" She grabbed at the tie and fixed it for him.

"Are you ready? Mom has taken Patrick with her so they can set up some extra flowers. The babysitter is already here... and..."

"You thought I wouldn't mind if you rode with me... right?" He rose his eyebrow questioningly with a slight frown in place.

"Uuhhh..." She muttered unsure. She didn't know now a days if Kane would explode with rage or be alright with it...

He laughed. Grabbing the suit coat off the door handle he pulled the door shut and wrapped his arm around Lena. "Of course that's fine. You still don't know about me do you?"

"I'm sorry Kane... it's just that..." she shook her head as she apologized.

"No. It's been years. I'm not the same guy I had once been. I may wear the stories of my past..." He rubbed his hand over the tattoo of a lost friend on his arm. "on my body like a coat. But that doesn't mean I'm not just as gentle as I had once been. I may have been a bit lost... for a while..."

"Kane..." she sighed. "You were lost for years. I still think you're a bit lost, if you ask me." She looked away grabbing the spiraling rail as she stepped down the stairway.

Maybe she was right. The years he had spent with Shane getting girls, then slipping off into the crimes which Shane had been sucked into... and Lena's techno based life... well it all welled up to him getting into some pretty heavy stuff. Michael O'Malley saved him from that. He would be eternally grateful.

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