Owen's Divorced

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     The rest of the afternoon we spent catching up, even Chris was being civil with me. Around five the men went up front to the deck to start grilling for dinner. Mom and I shared the double floater, chatting and still catching up. "So, what's up with this Owen guy?" I asked mom as I adjusted in the floater, mom pushing us off from the side of the pool. "He and your father have worked together awhile but Joe recently got divorced, it's only been about seven months. This was his first summer a lone and I guess he seemed pretty pathetic because your dad invited him to come with us."mom explained and I listened intently. "Divorced, how old is he?" I asked knowing he had to be close to their age but I was still curious. "Thirty- five I think, he was married for three years. It's sad, but he's an excellent house guest and he's sexy huh?" mom looked over at me, my cheeks getting hot. "What?" I asked her, as if I didn't know what she was talking about. "You don't think he's hot?" she asked me, laughing a little. "Mom! What about dad!" I smacked her arm but she only laughed louder. "Please Suzanne, I love your father you know that. But having Owen around is pretty nice, some eye candy never hurt anyone." she said and winked at me. I laughed now too.

     "So what's going on in your personal life, besides the camp." mom asked after we were quiet for awhile. I could hear the guys laughing from up front. "I don't know, not much. The camp was my main thing mom." "Well I know, but I also know you had access to your phone and computer and what not. How are your friends, and Nick?" she raised her eyes at me but I looked away from her with a sigh. "What?" she asked. "Nothing, I don't really have much of a friend basis right now. And I told you Nick and I pretty much ended things before I left for Sheerwood." "I know but I wasn't sure if you'd talked at all." "No, we haven't. But that's fine with me mom, he wasn't at all what I wanted." "What do you mean? You two seemed happy." "Yeah happy and boring. He never did anything cute or spontaneous for me." "What do you mean?" "Like flowers or even a cute little note. He was nice but not the prince charming I'm looking for." I laughed a little and so did mom.

     "And what about Danielle? You two still aren't talking?" mom asked, probing me for information. "Nope. I tried to contact her while I was away, I commented on something she posted on Facebook. I said something about being proud of her and all she could say back was thanks." "Wow." "I know, seven years of friendship and she just dumps me like that. Whatever." I sighed and rolled off the floater and into the water. I popped back and pushed my hair back, looking at my mom. "So what's up with this Carly girl you invited? From your texts and stuff it seems like you two got pretty close." mom asked as I swam to the deep end. "She's great, she's only nineteen but I think we're going to be really really good friends." I smiled thinking about the outgoing Carly. "That's good baby. When is she supposed to get here?" mom looked at me. "Not till Monday so we still have a couple of days together before she comes." I smiled back at mom who nodded at me, pointing her face back towards the fading sun. 

     "Have you talked to your sister at all?" mom asked without looking at me. I swam towards her now. I didn't want to answer her. "Mom..." I said, trying to brush her off. I don't even remember the last time I talked to Rena. "I'm just asking. I hate that you two don't talk anymore." Mom snapped back at me and I swam away from her, back towards the deep end. The safety zone. "She did that mom, not me." "I asked her to come with us, I wanted her here." "I know you did." "But she has her head so far up that fucker's ass." mom shook her head as dad came out on the patio. "How are my ladies? Hungry?" he smiled at us. "Starving." I said back, swimming for the stairs of the pool. 

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