Chapter 19.

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Cassis part. 🙈
So you know me and trey still at Ko's house.
"Hey baby you okay?"
"Yeah trey I'm fine."
" we both know you fine 😂"
"Trey not now please."
"I'm sorry just Tryna lighten the spirit."
Things just been kinda chilled and quiet these past few days.
"I think I'm ready to go back to your place daddy."
"You sure?!?"
" you gone stay wit daddy? 😏"
"You gone give daddy a chance?"
"We'll see"
"Okay let's go."
So we head back to treys place and when we get there the locks broke and treys house is fucked up!
"What hell."
"It was August."
"I know but. Damn"
Just then my phone rang.
"It's August."
Trey snatched the phone.
"Why yo bitch ass got my baby's phone??
"Nah bro. She ain't yours no more. You don't treat her right and you don't respect her. So she don't want yo ass no more. And I got her phone because I'm daddy😏"
"Did I stutter?
Then trey hung up the phone and grabbed the baby.
"Let's go too mamas house."
"Baby no I don't wanna put that pressure on her."
"Well she said we could..."
Bet mama came around the corner. 😂💚
"Baby imma need you to quit buying these big ass houses for you and yourself. 😂"
"Hey mama😂"
"And who is this gorgeous young lady ?"
She took off her sunglasses and recognized.
"Cassi is that you?"
"Yes ma'am."
She cried a lil bit😂😩
"Baby I missed you so so much!"
"I missed you too mamma!"
"All she do is talk about you. And tell me how I should've stayed with you😂"
We talked for awhile then went to mamas house to go eat dinner.
My phone buzzed.
"Oh shitttttt"
"What's wrong ?!?"
"I got the appointment to check on the baby."
"Okay let's go."
"We got 15 minutes come on."
We arrived at the doctors office and. Waited to be called.
"Cassandra Rodriguez"
I walked to the back room. Weighed in then went into the examine room.
😋 the doctor walked in.
"Hello mrs Rodriguez"
"How have you been?"
I looked at trey.
"Great! You ?"
"Wonderful. Uhhm Mrs. Rodriguez. Have you been working out ? And eating right?"
"Well I've been trying to eat right. But I haven't been working out."
"Well you've lost 20 pounds."
"Well that's good right ?!?"
The doctor looked up.
" normally you'll gain 20 pounds. Even with working out and eating right."
"Let's take a look at her shall we. "
Her face changed.
"What's wrong ??!"
I'm not seeing any movement from the baby."
"What...what does that mean?"
" I don't know yet. "
Just then she yelled
"Code black !!! Jenny !! Code black. ASAP room 318"
" what's going on ?!? "
" your baby is dying. We need to get it out now !!"
"what 😨😨"
"Casss I'm here baby."
They pushed me into a room with where there was bright lights all in my face. 💀 they give me a shot then I passed out. What seemed like to you an hour was like a minute too me.
I woke up.
"Trey what hell happened"
" they took out the baby!"
"WHAT ??!? Why ?"
"They said the baby was a dead sperm cell that created only half of it."
2 months later.
"Babe you ready ???"
"Yeah daddy. I'm Tryna get Kendall ready."
" okay imma be in the car."
So yeah me and trey got a house. And me and trey dating 😈😏.
I get a text. 😁
"Wassup "
"WhAt do you want?"
" I wanna talk to you and apologize."
" August..."
"And I wanna see the girls."
"Where you wanna meet?"
"The house."
"Be there at 10:30"
"Comere 😏"
He ran in the room like he was on fire 😂😂
"Come lay next to me"
"So August wants to see Kendall"
"Okay "
"And he wants me to meet him at the house tomorrow."
"Are you going !?"
"I'm letting him see her for an hour or less. "
"Okay after an hour I'm poppin up."
"Okay daddy comere"
"You don't want this girl."
"Kinda doo."
😏😂 "o. I gotchuu."
The next morning I woke up and put a long peach Maxie skirt on and a beige crop top with a gold and pink necklace and my earrings and belly rings and my golden sandals.
" momma looking hot today 😏"
"Too much ? I should go change. "
"Baby you look perfect. You wanna look cute or something? You know what.Look cute. At the end of the day I know you still mine. "
"😊😊, awe thanks daddy."
"Welcome now let me help you load up. "
"Okay grab Kendall's bucket hat and her aunt pearls That match. Then grab me a Fiji and a couple kisses. "
"Okay. I can manage."
Trey did all the stuff and I loaded Kendall in & buckled her.
"Come get daddy's special kiss. "
"Yes sir."
Trey kissed me then I kissed back and then I turned around and he grabbed da bootay 😂💚
"I love Yall call me if you need me. I'll be here cleaning up. "
"Okay bye. "
So I drive about 15 min. Then we arrive at Augusts house.
We knocked.
He answered. 😒
"Comere baby k. "
"Hey cass.."
"Mmmm hi. "
We walked into Augusts house and sat in the kitchen.
"You hungry cass?"
"Yeah. I could eat"
"Whatchuu want?"
"Egg white omelette with ham cheese and onions and peppers. "
"And lite mushrooms"
"Alright........... So you gon tell about where my other child is ?"
"I lost her august."😕😔
"Oh. How how could this happen ?"
" she had a heart attack the day before the appointment."
"I can't believe this."
"Yeah. I know , but you know. This could be been meant to happen. God might've had this in store. Am I sad and mad? yes. But I also trust God that there's something else in the future. Maybe she wasn't meant to be born rn. "
August gave me this look I've never seen before. Or atleast in awhile.
It was almost, pure and a smile in his eyes.
"Cass you know that I will always love you. Right?"
I started crying.
He came closer.
"Cass please don't cry. Please."
"August I can't. I can't do this. "
"Kendall lets go. "
I walked to the door and picked up Kendall
"Cass what I do?"
"August I just can't. "
August grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
"No get back in here and listen to me."
"What? What do you want?"
"Man I love you. I love you with all my heart. And I miss you. Mama miss you too. Can we please try again. "
"See. You pulling that Brandon bullshit."
"But Brandon was irreverent. We had something. We have a kid."
I started walking away.
"Look you don't have to agree but you damn sure gon listen. "
I put Kendall in the car then turned toward him.
"Do you know why I left you ? "
"Honestly I don't. "
"We'll let me tell you. 1. You were acting distant like you didn't care. 2. You put your hands on me. 2. You called me out my name. And. I. Definitely. Deserve. Better. "
I got in the car.
"I'm sorry Cass. I really am."
I headed home.
"You have fun at daddy's?"
"I'm glad baby."
"You ready to go see Tmoney?"
"Hehe okay."
My phone rang. It was trey.
"Hey baby"
"Hey beautiful
"At kirks house
"Awe Kay we finna roll in"
"Okay. See you when you get here. "
So I pull up at kirkos house and knock.
"Here I come Cass."
"Better behave in koko's house Kendall."
Kirko opened up.
"Wassupp princess!"
"Hey uncle koko"
"Heey Kirk"
"Wasssup baby cous."
"Where baby at ?"
"He out back. Said he wanna talk to you, hey princess. Wanna help me make this lunch or whaa?"
"Yayay koko"
"lol okay. Be good Kendall. Mommys watching you. "
"Tell mommy koko's princess is never bad. "
😂😂 " whatever. I'll be back. "
I walk out to the back yard and trey facing the pool looking down. I walked up behind him.
"Hey baby "
I wrapped my arms around his waist.
"Hey sexy."
He turned toward me.
"You wanted to talk?"
"Yeah I .... Uhm ... I. "
He got his nervous face. He made before he asked me out 😊😊😂
I grabbed his hand.
"Baby calm down. I'm here to listen. "
"*deep breathes in and out* Cass. I know this relationship moving sorta fast. But I really wanna marry you. 😊 "
"Aweeeeeee Treyyyy"
"And I came here to ask Kirk what he thought. And he said he thought it better than you and august."
"Trey I alwaysed loved you. And always will. "
"So will you marry me ca$$?"
"Yes I will. "
I leaned in kissed him while he put on the ring.
"And that there princess k is love."
"Mommy and TMoney heart heart? Yayyyy!"
We stopped our kiss and laughed together. 😂😊
"Comere k."
" I mean okay nigga. I'll come."
"Not you fool Kendall. 😂"
" come on Kirk you can come over here too."
We did a quick group hug. Then. We went inside. I got on Twitter and couldn't believe my eyes. 😕😕😕
""August new girl? Caitlin Rodriguez spotted holding hands with August Alsina coming out of Victoria's Secret. Spicing up the sex game with lingerie? Or just getting some perfume for date night?""
I dropped my phone.
"Cous you good?"
"Caitlin.... Is .... With August. "
"Okay ?"
"WITH August"
"What the fuck?!? Fr"
I picked up my phone and called this bitch.
"Holá Chica
"You dumb slut!
"Excuse me ?!?
"How could you go off and be with August. Your my sister Bitch. We have a child and we're almost married. It's only been 5 months!
" look here mami. 1.You better chill. 2. I'm free to do whatever the hell I wanna do.
Just then. Anthony hopped his goofy self on the phone
"Aye who this.??
" her sistaa
" cass?
"Who else nigga.
"Well quit yelling at her before you put stress on the baby.....bracey.... Braces. She got braces now and the doctor said no....
"She's pregnant!!!!! August. How could you. 😩😔😔
I hung up.
"What's up baby Cous. "
"Well Caitlin's hoe ass with August. And she's pregnant. "
"What ???? "
"I know , I know "
"Baby it's okay. He wasn't good to you anyways. "
"That's the issue. If he wasn't good to me. Why would he be good to my sister ? "
" and he hit me for being smart. Huh she get smart attitude and a lil handsy. Let's see how that goes."
Just then august mama called me.
"Hey mama
"Hey baby
"is there something you need
"Yes baby I wanted to tell you. That august hasn't been himself lately. I'm afraid he's back selling.
" mama that's horrible !
"Yasss baby I know. But could you go talk to him. Help him get this past him. I'm keeping him in my prayers but we need more urgent help rn.
" yes ma'am. I love you.
" love you too. Be safe now. "

Life with August. Book 1❣Where stories live. Discover now