Chapter 15

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Cassis part. 😳
So idk what the hell just happened. 😁 I just know I had to get out of there. I'm headed home.
I walk in the door and august is already there.
" Wha... what the fuck. first of all why we're you even with B.? Second of all. Why were you and him kissing.? 😑

"Well. He said he wanted to talk. So I went to go see what he wanted. Then he told he wanted Try again. I told him, we were about to get married. And that I've moved on. Then I got and started to walk away. Then he grabbed me and pulled me back. And well kissed me. "
"Cass. I saw you. You were kissing back. You weren't even trying to stop."
" Well I guess I should've known. You cheated on Danté with me. So I mean why wouldn't it happen again. Right ?"
I was getting a lil emotional 😔
" Now August that's not fair. What happened between us was. Not even planned. I didn't know you liked me like dat. And you did things to me."
"Bullshit cass."
"August im sorry. Okay?"
"Yeah whateva"
I watched him take the baby upstairs then slam the room door shut. 😔

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