Chapter 10

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{Cassie's funeral outfit in media}

Cassie's part 🌚
So it's Thursday 😔 Dantés funeral date.
August decided to come along.
We arrive at the funeral and all Dantes family is their. And most of mine. The ceremony lasted about an hour. Then we left. On our way home I had to pee really bad.😩😩 then it all came out. But I couldn't stop it.
Oh shit my water broke and I was going into labor 👿👿 this shit hurt.
August turned the car around so fast. And rushed to the hospital 😥.
We finally got their and the doctors put me on a bed and took me into the delivery room.
I asked for Demerol.
About 45 min later.
It was time 😩.
The doctors rushed in and spread my legs apart. Then they told me to push. So I did. "About 3 more big ones girl!"
I was squeezing the life out of August 😂😂❤️.
"One more !"
I did one more push. Then I heard the baby's cry. 😊😊.
"Would you like to cut the cord sir?"
August walked over and snipped the umbilical cord 😊❤️.
Then the doctors cleaned up the baby and handed her to me. 😍😍
She was so cuteeee!

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