{Chapter 18}

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Heyyylo mah peoples!

So this is it! Decision time! Although I have a feeling you all already know who she's going to choose, let me know how you feel about it! Comment, vote, share etcetera. ^_^

Enjoy lovelies!


Carla burst through the front door of Sam's house, slightly out of breath from her short run and the feel of the music's bass already seeping into her tired bones. No one paid her any mind and continued dancing, chatting or drinking. She cast a wide scan over the crowd looking for a particularly dark set of curls and finally found them over by the non alcoholic beverages.

Before she could move her feet in their direction a small hand closed around her upper arm halting her. She turned to meet a pair of light hazel eyes; it was a happy Sam. She looked good dressed in paint splattered black skinnies that ended slightly above her ankles. A red halter top with Ramones scrawled in black ink on it hung loosely off her thin frame sliding down on shoulder.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" She asked eyes slightly dilated from what Carla guessed was a few drinks already ingested. 

"I need to find Peter," Carla answered distractedly her eyes locking back on the mess of dark curls to make sure they didn't move. Sam's grip loosened on her hand and she turned back to see a surprised look on her face.

"Oh," Sam said. "I thought.." She stopped when Carla shook her head signaling it wasn't what she was thinking. Sam's eyes widened more and darkened slightly as she got a tad more sober. "Oh, I thought correct." Carla frowned at the disappointed tone in her voice. 

"Did you not want me to be with Ridian?" Carla asked facing Sam full on now. Sam's eyes returned to normal size and all seriousness that'd been there before disappeared as if it'd never come. Instead she smiled and pushed a red cup into Carla's hand. It looked like punch but she knew better.

"Well if that's the conversation you're having you might as well have the decency to bring the man a drink." Then with a slight smile and a small wave Sam turned heel and disappeared into the party. Carla stood there confused for a moment longer before putting the drink down on a clear banister and turning back to the mop of curls that was still where she'd last seen it.

She pushed past the crowd not bothering to say excuse me and even elbowing some stomachs as she made her way over to Peter. She needed to talk to him before she even saw Ridian and she needed to do it now. Finally she made her way through the sea of people to his side and tapped his shoulder a little aggressively, successfully pulling his attention away from his conversation.

At first he turned around with an annoyed look on his face at whoever was interrupting him and then it turned to one of pure joy at the sight of Carla. It kind of made her sick, especially because of what she was about to do. When he saw the frown she knew was clearly plastered on her face, the sides of his mouth drooped as well.

"What's wrong?" he asked, raising his voice slightly higher than usual to be heard over the pounding music.

"I need to talk to you!" Carla yelled back. Peter shook his head signaling he hadn't heard her and she sighed, grabbing his hand and leading him out to the back part of Sam's wrap around porch. Having been to this house many times before, some willingly and others not so much, she knew her way around. They were there in minutes.

"So what's the matter?" Peter asked going to stroke Carla's face and she shied back from his touch looking at the ground. He dropped his hand, hurt immediately flashing on his face but he masked it with a cool expression. Carla sighed dropping into the cushioned love seat and he followed, making sure not to touch her. Carla noticed this and it slightly hurt her as well but she knew it was coming.

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