{Chapter 26}

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здравствуйте!(Apparently that's Russian...no wonder they sound like they're growling and shiz).

So my beautiful readers how is the story for you so far? Liking the character development? Not? VOMMENT! Yes I said vomment. Vote and comment please so I can get your valuable ideas that I want to read and since I'm selfish I want to be more popular, I'll be honest. ^_^ Well here ya guys go!

Enjoy lovelies!


"What are you so tense for?" Ridian whispered in Carla's ear. "It's just your mom,". 

Carla gulped, her throat suddenly dry as the strange urge to laugh came over her at the irony in Ridian's statement. She was sure he'd find it funny too if he knew the truth. At the moment her mother was standing a little ways down the hall staring coldly at her, her eyes flitting suspiciously between her and Ridian.

Before Carla could stop him Ridian moved out from behind her and took a step forward clearing his throat to speak while holding out his hand for her mother to shake. Carla's mom immediately smoothed over her facial expression replacing the cool fury with one of content calm and fake warmth in her thin lipped smile.

She was wearing a cream pantsuit that clung to her petite frame and had a light brown cross shoulder satchel hanging lightly on her left side. Tall black heels covered her small feet and elevated her frame to one of a higher and more intimidating stature. Her dark brown hair hung in slight waves around her small heart shaped face accentuating a sharp jawline. She stared at Ridian's approaching figure with eyes the same shade of green as Carla but held a cold hunger to them, similar to that of a predator watching its prey.

"My name is Ridian Simmons. I'm Carla's boyfriend,". He introduced himself, his voice was strong and unwavering but it faltered when Carla's mother simply raised an appraising eyebrow and didn't answer. Gulping he tried again.

"I apologize for only properly introducing myself now but it's a pleasure to meet you. I promise to take excellent care of your daughter. I care for her very much,". Carla's mother continued to stare at him curiously a sly smirk on her face as she crossed her arms and walked closer till she stood in front of him.

"If I do remember correctly it was under your watchful eye," She air quoted around watchful and paused in amusement before continuing. "That my daughter wound up in the hospital,". Ridian gulped. "I wouldn't really call that excellent care. Would you?" Carla's mother asked smiling slightly at Ridian's uncomfortable expression and his fidgeting hands.

Carla had been watching this whole encounter slack jawed and wide eyed. Her mother was acting surprisingly normal. I mean she never dared treat me how she usually does in public or in front of friends but this little boyfriend interrogation is too normal. Its fucking creepy, Carla thought.

"I'm sorry Ma'am,". Ridian replied. Carla turned her shock gaze on him at the word ma'am. "I wasn't careful enough but please don't let that mistake cloud your judgement and give me another chance,". He walked back to Carla cupping his hands around her shoulders and she twisted her neck around trying unsuccessfully to look at him. "I really love your daughter and I will work hard for her,". At this declaration Carla's face froze before slowly turning to see her mother's reaction.

Internally, in her heart she was over joyed at his statement but in her mind she could only wait with dread at how her mother would take all this. She'd never had a boyfriend before, never dreamed it possible and never thought about how she'd handle introductions with her mother. This was all too sudden and too weird. For God sakes it was the middle of second period!

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