{Chapter 16}

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Hey y'all.

The chapters are going to be moving a little more fast paced from now on. Let me know what you think and who you're rooting for in the comments. And vote please! ^_^

Enjoy lovelies!


"You can't be serious." The week had flown by filled with Carla desperately trying to avoid the two boys attempting to woo her favor and the best friend who kept hunting her with makeup tools, in order to study and gain some piece of mind. Eventually her home which used to be her torture house became her safe haven.

They had rewrote the terms of the Elimination Game when Carla said another two dates in one week wasn't enough time for her to think between dates and decided she would only have two more dates total. One this week with Peter on Friday and one with Ridian next week also on Friday and then she had to give them her final decision at the Halloween Party at Sam's house next Saturday. Everyone agreed at lunch on Tuesday and it was settled.

When Friday rolled around she wanted to get on her knees and pray to God for thanks, glad that the week was over and she could just get on with her dates. Peter had told her to dress in workout wear for like indoor training so she had put on some MC Hammer styled black sweat pants that stopped just above the ankle and a loose white crop top sleeveless tank top that showed off a mid rif of her stomach and sneaks.

The scar on her side from the fire poker was above her belly button and most of her bruises and scabs had faded from going so long without abuse from her mother. Carla hardly remembered what the pain even felt like and she rarely saw her mother around either. Caught up in the craziness of her newfound love life she didn't pay much attention to the weirdness of her home life.

She didn't have many workout clothes. Her "workouts" were mostly running from her mother but even that wasn't happening lately. It appeared she'd chosen her style correctly because when Peter had picked her up at seven he'd driven her to a dance studio downtown for surprise hip hop lessons. Carla was less than amused.

"I repeat, you cannot be serious." Carla said as she turned to face a smirking Peter, wide eyed in disbelief. He wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her closer.

"Oh but I am," He whispered making her shudder. She stepped away from him.

"Then intelligent you are not if you actually think I'm going in there," Carla stated while pointing through the window to the dance studio that already had some couples warming up with stretches.

"Come on!" Peter groaned. "It'll be fun. Why don't you want to go?" He asked staring deeply into her eyes trying to puppy dog her into going in. She wasn't having it.

"I don't think you've noticed but I am white. White people don't dance. Scratch that intelligent white people don't dance. Least of all, when we are sober and completely aware of our actions." Peter laughed at her reason.

"What about Dance Dance Revolution? You kicked ass at that," he pointed out. Carla scoffed and looked at him blankly.

"I stepped on some arrows that lit up at the same time on the screen as they did on the floor. Big, freaking, whoop. That in no way means I can keep to a real rhythm that isn't some weird asian techno pop." Peter sighed tucking his hands into his grey sweats that were hung dangerously low on his hips and revealed what looked like the very top of a very hard V line. Carla unconsciously licked her lips.

"I just really wanted to dance with you. Guess you don't feel the same. Let's go, we can always see a movie or something..." Peter trailed off staring down at his high tops. Carla sighed unfolding her arms knowing that she was falling for his trap but not caring since he looked super cute in his navy blue beanie and loose black shirt that still clung slightly to his abs.

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