Nothing Has Really Happened: Chapter 2

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Written on: 7/27/15

It has been sixteen days since I wrote anything to this and absolutely nothing  super worth while has happened. In sixteen days. I'm dying of a mix of anxiety and boredom.

I went to Massachusetts and my cousin Ryan and I played soccer causing many injuries to the both of us and to our cousin Jameson, who wasn't playing. So I had to hobble home awkwardly and people judged me.

My grandpa had a heart attack and is in the hospital but he's perfectly fine now. He calls me at one in the morning everyday to ask me to translate stuff from the late night Spanish soap operas. I don't even speak Spanish. It is kind of amusing to hear him try to say "besaste a mi hermana gemela cabron espero que usted se cae por las escaleras"

My grandmother called my mother and made her drive me to her house two hours away so that she could take me to Fry's to buy school supplies. I bought a stapler. It's black.

My older cousin Bethany basically became my best friend when we hung out for a week and my best friend only texted me to ask if I could text her boyfriend for her. True friendship.

I texted my ex. It was probably a big mistake. It turns out he's dating his best friends ex girlfriend. Wait to be a great friend there hun.

I get my school schedule and PE uniform and everything else this Thursday. It's Monday. I have not even three whole days to mentally prepare myself for possibly the worst experience since I tried to be a 'warrior princess' on a school trip and slipped on the grass and fell on my butt. Flat on it. After screaming 'WARRIOR PRINCESS'. Not only did everyone stare at me (which in itself I dread) everyone laughed at me. And I started crying. And not like the okay kind of crying where you just got hurt or something so a few tears are rolling down your face, no of course not. The kind of crying that sounds like an animal is trapped in your throat and you're choking on it and it's suffocating and trying to get out and your face is red as a tomato. It was HORRIBLE.

And this Thursday is going to be worse.  Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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