The Envelope: Chapter 1

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Written on: 7/11/2015

I got the huge packet of all the paper work and information from my high school today. I have to go to "registration" to get my ID picture, my schedule, my books, my P.E. uniform, my locker, and my syllabus. I think I can handle all that. I mean my parents will be there and I may see some of the people I know from school.

One person that I know I'll see though is this guy. This guy that I was convinced I was in love with. Worst of all, he knows. I literally told an actual human that used to (and still kind of is, I talk to him everyday) my friend that was in love with him. Nothing was ever the same and I felt really bad because it was all my fault. That's another reason high school is going to be terrible. Us being such good friends, we ended up signing up for the exact same classes. Which just sounds super great. (That was major sarcasm)

 I can probably handle that. One thing I can't handle: freshman orientation two days before school starts. By myself. Well kind of by myself. My one friend will be there. And my exes. And the guy I said I was in love with. And no parents. That sounds like my worst nightmare.

If it's anything like any other party I've been to there will be a bouncy house with one creepy clown for each kid. Sounds absolutely terrifying. Knowing my luck I'll trip or spill a drink all over myself. That's a great way to start high school.

And today I went to the mall with my grandparents to buy school clothes. I mean I got school clothes yeah but I'm pretty sure everything I bought is out of dress code so basically I didn't get anything.

I did get a backpack though and honestly it is the backpack of my dreams. It's all black and has pockets and cute little zippers and a leather bottom which sounds so cool. Yes, I have searches for the perfect backpack and I think I've finally found it.

I really don't know what else to put in this chapter I mean really nothing else high school related has happened recently. I guess that's it. So bye.

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