There's a first time for everything

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*Dipper's pov*

"Mabel! come on we're gonna be late for the first day of school." I called up the stairs. all of a sudden a mess of brown and pink tumbled down the stairs. "Ready!" she screamed. she needs to learn to be quieter. I grabbed my back pack and walked out the door with Mabel in close pursuit.

*Pacifica's pov*

School again? This got old years ago. Well at least dipper will be there. i put on my regular dress and earrings. I feel too dressy. I changed into jeans and a t-shirt. perfect. I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door in flip-flops, no earrings, and no makeup. I walk down the hall and accidentally bump Mabel. I catch her notebook before it hits the floor. She smiles and thanks me. We were on good terms ever since the ghost thing at the manor. I walk down the hall way talking to her while we go to home room. I see dipper and wave. He smiles and waves back. He's adorable. We got to our home room and I sat where I always say, next to Mabel in the middle row. I love our home room teacher, Mrs.Dunning. She's really nice. She's also our literature teacher. I pulled out the book we read for summer reading and laid it on the desk next to my notepad and pen. As Mrs.Dunning talked about our year I started doodling in my journal. I looked up and Mrs.Dunning was talking and I set down my pen. She turned to me and asked me to tell the new students what it was like to be at gravity falls middle school. I responded with a small speech sort of. I smiled quickly and went back to staring into space. The bell rang and I hopped out of my seat to go to math. Mr.Demmin. One of the most loved teachers of all time....when he wasn't teaching math. When he's teaching history that's a different story. Math was boring and then history which as always was the best. Then art class, lunch, Spanish, bible, science, and study hall. Nine periods of school done. I walked home with Mabel and dipper and hung out at their house for a while. I realized that it was way past my dad got home and he would be furious. I got up to leave and dipper asked if I wanted to take the golf cart. I agreed and he drove me to my awkward silence. When we got there I waved slightly, smiled, and turned to go into the front gates. Dipper allied good bye to which I replied with a see you tomorrow. I walked Ina me waited for the flaming fury that was my father.

Change of heart(Gravity falls fanfic. Dippifica)Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now