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This is a modern AU in which Ace is 14 Luffy is 11 and Sabo is 22. It also features Trafalgar who is 26 and mentions of Bepo and Zoro who are both 14. I did not proofread so there are probably many mistakes.
Sabo set the knife he was using down when he heard the front door open, grabbing a towel off the counter across from him to wipe his hands. He slipped out of the kitchen just in time to hear Ace slamming the door to his room, and he would bet money that he hadn't thanked his teacher for driving him home.
He sighed looking at said teacher, a tall, lean man with dark blue hair that taught biology at the fourteen year old's high school. He had actually been attempting to somewhat seduce the male since Ace had started his course a few months ago, but his own classes and work along with taking care of two younger brothers limited his schedule and they had only been on one date so far.
He was going to thank the older man for driving his kid brother home, but then he saw the expression on his face, something between anger and annoyance. Sabo could pretty easily guess what Ace had done, other than his sharp tongue the boy was generally a good kid, but being the adult here he had to ask the teacher.
He walked up behind the teacher, placing his hands on the mans shoulders and rubbing out the tense muscles he felt there. The man slowly relaxed as they stood there silently. Finally the teacher broke the silence. "I had to clear his pockets because a kid was complaining, saying he was smoking in the bathroom or something. I found a box of matches."
Sabo sighed but didn't interrupt the man. This wasn't the first time it had happened and last time the school had suspended him for three days. He had forced the kid to go to his psychology lessons with him and take notes, thinking the kid would hate it. What he hadn't expected was when the raven had understood more of it than him and even got into a twenty minute long discussion with the teacher. Sabo couldn't even talk to that teacher for three minutes.
"I didn't turn him in, but I told him I was going to talk to you." Sabo nodded in understanding. Law usually approached him about it before handing out punishment, even detention. He knew that there were some days Sabo needed the teen home as soon as possible to watch his brother and others when the boy had appointments at the local sleep centre for his narcolepsy.
Law had actually known the raven since he was a kid, when he and Law's son Bepo had been friends. When Sabo's parents had passed two years ago and his brothers were pushed into his care he had been loath to admit that the teacher knew more about his brother than he did, not that it was too terribly surprising. The boy was 8 years younger than him and he was already halfway through college when their parents had died. The teacher had never met Sabo before that point though, even though there was only a five year difference between them.
(Clarification: Bepo is adopted, Law adopted him when he was 19 and Bepo was 7)
"What did you have in mind?" He asked the man backing away and waving him towards the kitchen when the oven timer went off.
Law leaned on the counter while he pulled the pitiful once-frozen lasagna from the oven and slid in a tray of cookie dough slices he was making for a bake sale at Luffy's after school centre. "I have the science conference next week, so either he can come for detention on Saturday or you can handle his punishment."
Sabo sighed looking over at the bluenette. "The only punishment I know to use is grounding him, and I don't want him moping around in his room while Bepo is here." He had agreed to watch the small albino boy for Law a few weeks ago and he knew Ace was looking forward to it, if only to try to pull a prank on his observant friend.
"What about taking things away?"
"He doesn't really have much to take away."
Law nodded a thoughtful expression on his face as if he were trying to figure out the answer to the universe. "Have you tried spanking him?"
Sabo's eyes widened. The last experience he had with a spanking of any kind was when he was sixteen and had snuck out to a party, and while he admitted the punishment had worked for him, he wasn't sure about using it on his kid brother. "I wouldn't be able to go through with it, besides, I've never spanked anybody before."
"Well, were you spanked as a kid? Just do it how you think your parents did it."
Sabo sighed, analysing the situation. He was standing in his kitchen talking to an extremely hot guy about spanking his kid brother. Oddly enough it didn't sound any more awkward than any other conversation they had had. Now that he thought about it, he was pretty sure his half-brother had been spanked before anyways, so it wasn't like he was going to doing something the teen had never experienced before.
"I guess I can try." He said, setting the timer on the cookies before he forgot and ended up burning them. When he finished he found himself pulled into an embrace. He let his head rest on the taller mans chest silently. "You'll do fine Sabo-ya."
Law had left ten minutes later right as Luffy walked in from the bus stop. He had called Ace down to eat, and they had spent thirty minutes of Luffy talking about his day, and Ace barely touching his plate. Sabo had finally stood up cleaning the table off.
"Shishishi Zoro said that Ace got it trouble with Traffy today! Is that true?" Zoro was a kid in Aces math class who helped his dad at the after school centre on Thursdays, so it wasn't that surprising that Luffy knew. Ace glared at his younger brother as if willing him to shut up already.
"Yes, he did." Sabo said loading the dishwasher as if he hadn't noticed the epic staring battle going on five feet away. "Why don't you go over to Nami's house and see if she and Nojiko want to play?"
Luffy had looked over at him with his owlish brown eyes for a few moments before pouting and saying, "Sabo? Are you gonna spank Ace?"
"DAMMIT LUFFY!" The teen in question had yelled smacking the boy on the back of the head, earning a laugh from the eleven year old.
"Don't hit Luffy, and yes I am, so I need you to go hang out with your friends, okay?"
"Shishishi, ok." The boy jumped up running to the door of their apartment, pulling his shoes in, and promptly disappearing out the door. Ace was staring at him, eyes widened in a shock before slowly getting ahold of himself.
"Y-you can't spank me!"
Sabo raised an eyebrow at this while he loaded the dishwasher. "I'm pretty sure I can."
"No, you can't! Your not my mom!"
"But I am your older brother and your legal guardian, so I can." He said, looking at the raven boy. His hair was long and singed in places from getting too close to fire, and his eyes were a hard grey colour that somewhat unnerved Sabo.
When the boy didn't make a move to say anything else in argument he pointed towards the living room. "Go stand in the corner, I'll be there in about fifteen minutes."
The teen sputtered for a second before raising his voice to loudly exclaim that he wasn't going to stand in the corner like a child. Sabo set down the plate he was holding on the counter and walked over to the teen, pulling him out of the chair by his arm. He turned the raven around and landed four smacks, though admittedly not that hard, to the seat of his jeans. "Go." He ordered, releasing the boys arm and staring at him as if daring him to defy him again.
The smacks seemed to have done the trick though, as after a few seconds of glaring at the man the teen had run out of the room leaving Sabo to feel like shit in the kitchen.
It really only took Sabo four minutes to clean up from dinner, but he waited a bit longer to give them both a chance to think before he headed to the living room.
He didn't know why he was surprised to see four completely empty corners. He sighed heavily going to the small hallway connected to the room. There were three doors, his room, the bathroom, and Ace and Luffy's room. He sighed pushing open the bathroom door, knowing where the raven was by the smell. As predicted he was sitting in the bathtub with the curtain pulled shut. The blonde man sighed walking over and opening the curtain looking at the teen. He was sitting with his legs crossed, attempting to light a match. There were three already burned out on the acrylic surface of the tub and it didn't take an idiot to spot the tears on the teens face. Sabo frowned sitting on the edge of the tub and pulling the matchbook from Aces hand, setting it aside.
The boy flinched slightly as he did so and Sabo sighed, leaning in the tub to hug the teen. He knew that, as was usually the case when he found him here, the teen was thinking about his mother. More than once he had had to run in and turn the shower on over the teen, soaking him, because he had dropped one of the matches and caught his clothing on fire.
He knew that the death of Rouge had hit Ace the hardest. While Rouge had been the mother of all three of them, Dragon had only been Sabo and Luffy's father. Ace had been the result of their mother dating another man by the name of Gol D. roger for a year. Then the man had gotten caught up in the wrong crowd, and had been arrested and sentenced to death a month before his sons birth.
Three years later Rouge and Dragon had gotten together again and given birth to Luffy. They had stayed together for nine years until their untimely death, but Ace had never considered either Roger or Dragon his father.
The boy leaned into him, crying softly as he dropped the match he was holding, bringing his arms up to wrap them around Sabo's waist. He ran his fingers slowly through the raven's hair, effectively calming him down. The teen mumbled an apology into the fabric of his shirt and he smiled softly. Grey eyes peered up at him slowly. "Are you mad?"
He shook his head. "No, I'm not mad. I, just disappointed that you keep doing something you know your not supposed to do."
The teen looked down again and sighed, slowly unwrapping his arms from around Sabo. The older man stood up, holding his hand out for the teen, and helping him out of the tub.
"Are you still gonna spank me?"
"Do you think I should?" He would still carry through either way but it didn't hurt to ask.
It was silent for a moment before the teen sighed, nodding. "Yeah..."
"Come on then." He said, leading the way back to the living room. The teen followed at a subdued pace, and though it only took twenty seconds to arrive at the couch it felt like twenty minutes to both males.
Sabo sat down on the couch, a dingy thing really only there to make the room look less empty. Ace shuffled his feet slightly right outside the hallway before releasing a sigh and walking the rest of the short distance to Sabo. The blonde took his wrist, guiding him to lay over his lap. The teen shifted, trying to find a comfortable position before giving up and allowing Sabo to adjust him close to his stomach.
The blonde sighed and brought his hand down on the upturned butt firmly. He heard a gasp from the teen and cringed slightly, but continued nonetheless. He began landing smacks in a pattern, trying not to let the teen know how nervous he was about the whole thing.
The raven didn't seem to notice though, gasping and trying to wiggle away from the swats. He gripped the fabric of Sabo's pants tightly in his fists, as his breathing picked up. After crying earlier he was having a hard time holding back tears now, and they were already beginning to leak from the corners of his eyes by the tenth swat.
Sabo stopped for a moment to reach under the boy and unclasp his jeans, sliding them to his knees. He could see the light red starting to show up on his skin through the thin white fabric of his boxers. He landed five more swats that had Ace making loud noises of discomfort. Sabo knew that, after avoiding the punishment for two years or more, it probably had to smart pretty badly. He raised one leg, lifting the teens butt further, as he remembered his father doing to him when he was a child. This had been the worst part, on the sensitive lover part of his butt, and he decided he would only give the young pyromaniac ten swats. It was a rather light spanking, only a total of 25 swats, but it seemed to be relatively effective on the raven.
As he smacked the teens sit spots the raven kicked out, his gaps and whines turning into cries. Sabo felt his gut clench, feeling like the worst big brother ever. As the last swat landed he looked at the boys bottom, trying to judge how bad it was. He was somewhat pleased to find it was only a light red in color and would probably be back to normal within ten or twenty minutes. He helped the teen to climb of his lap, and fixed his pants while he wiped his eyes trying to get his emotions back under control. He smiled slightly at the sight, the teen not looking much older than Luffy at the moment. He pulled him into a hug that the raven slowly returned.
"No more matches at school, oui?" His voice held a slight bit of humour as he ran his hand back
"H-hai. Gomenasai Sabo." The teen whispered into the fabric of his shirt. His voice cracked, shoulders still shaking slightly, and Sabo felt pity for the small raven. He didn't need him to translate what he had said, his and Luffy's father had spoken it enough around the house for him to understand most of it. He had picked up very little of it though, the words didn't quite fit in his mouth right, and he had rather picked up his mother's French.
Still, he knew a little bit, and kissing the boy softly on the head he mumbled "Anata ga yurusaremashita", though he was sure it sounded weird and choppy. Nonetheless Ace hugged him tighter.
The boy stayed like that until he drifted off to sleep, though it was only seven. Sabo smiling, carrying the boy to his bed and tucking him in.
As he walked out of the room he saw Luffy at the door, taking his shoes off. "Luffy, why don't you go lay down with Ace?" He suggested, wanting to go to bed himself after that. Luckily Luffy nodded, smiling, and ran in to his and Aces room.
Sabo sighed, Luffy was adorable, but if he grew up anything like his brother he still had six long years to deal with him. Somehow, he wouldn't have it any other way.

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