Together 2

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I decided that I had written Ace getting his ass handed to him enough, and that you should all get a chapter of him handing the ass out. That's right, Sabo is getting his butt whacked :D
Also I never explained, since I love foreign languages I have a head cannon that most of the characters a bilingual. English is the world accepted language but for most of them it's their second language. Ace and Luffy's first language is Japanese and Sabo's is French. They tend to switch to their first language in times of stress, the way those of us who hide our accents End up using them when stressed. Seriously, I have this terrible Scottish accent that comes out the second I stop forcing myself out of it. Don't kill me.
It was barely a week on when Sabo and Ace finally joined the crew. Even Sabo hadn't known when Ace was going to do it, until he walked on deck with the white beard symbol proudly on his back. He had rolled his eyes, but really he was quite happy for the raven teen.
About halfway through the impromptu celebration somebody had shouted out, asking when 'blue' was going to join the crew as well. Before he could answer another man had shouted back, asking when the fuck blue was going to tell them his name, as if the blonde weren't right there.
He had joined rather soon though, walking onto deck out of the room of the only crew member capable of doing tattoos to show off. His jacket and cravat were left in his own room, and his shirt was half unbuttoned to show off his collarbones. On the right side was a small violet symbol, identical to the version tattooed over Ace's back. On the left in swirly cerulean ink was the single word: Blue.
Though he had plans to tell them his name at some point during the night, most likely after getting drunker than he would normally allow himself to become, he had long ago accepted the word like a second name. Everybody on the crew referred to him by it, including the pineapple even though he was sure the man knew his name by now, and he was sure even after telling them his real name a majority of them wouldn't change.
The men had immediately jumped into action, congratulating him and proceeding to drag out the rum. Sabo chuckled as they did so, whitebeard's men would take the first reason they could think of to throw a party, even if they forgot the reason a few minutes later.
Eventually everybody, including himself, was drunk. At some point he found himself standing on top of some crates, shouting at them until enough of them were listening, to tell them his name. They had laughed at it, teased him, and then twenty minutes later they were still calling him Blue.
Eventually he had wandered back to his and Aces room, flopping face first on his bed, and falling asleep. Ace had already been on the opposite bed, and Sabo hadn't given it too much thought.
When he woke up the next morning he had a blaring headache, and all his bastard of a brother did was laugh at him. He didn't allow himself to drink often, so he had a relatively low alcohol tolerance, especially compared to that of a pirate. Some people might even go as far as to call him a 'lightweight'.
The only real issue was that he got in an exceedingly bad mood when he had hangovers, and while it didn't happen often it should have happened often enough for Ace to know to leave him the fuck alone for a few hours. Ace had the miraculous talent of practically just walking one off, the only difference being that for the next day or so he would have a few more narcoleptic fits than normal.
So when he woke up to Ace humming as he got dressed, which really wasn't that odd of an occurrence, he had been in a terrible mood. "Ace, would you kindly shut the fuck up?" He hand hissed out, making futile attempts to bury himself under his pillow. The raven haired teen had just chuckled, but thankfully stopped the impromptu music. Sadly, life wasn't perfect, and ten minutes later Sabo gave up on falling back asleep. He had decided to get dressed, but this task in itself had taken almost twenty minutes, because every time there was a creak or a loud noise, he had to stop and will his head to not explode from the pressure that seemed to fill it.
Finally though he had gotten fully dressed and made sure everything was in place properly. The next task was possible the hardest yet. Going to breakfast.
It was possible that up until that point he had never really noticed just how amazingly LOUD the whitebeard pirates were. He had grown rather accustomed to them but he would never be fully prepared to take them on with a headache that made it feel like the devil himself had it out for him. Then again, some people considered his little brother a demon, so he was relatively sure the only one who had it out for him was the floorboards.
He had never hated two by four slabs of oak more than he did in that moment. Eventually though the blonde man found himself in the dining hall across from his brother, who was smiling blindingly and annoying anybody with the slightest sign of hangover, as if it were some sort of game. Not for the first time, Sabo wondered why he considered the idiot his brother. He was reminded though when the raven had offered him a cup of coffee exactly how he liked it, a decent swig of milk and no sugar.
The day had progressed slowly and painfully, with Sabo still attempting to do all the things he normally did during the day. He found though that he still had a headache much after the rest of the crew had gotten over their hangovers, but none of theirs had really been that bad.
He may have been being a bit rude to his new Nakama, but his brother seemed to finally notice about half an hour before lunch when Sabo had done something previously thought unthinkable. He had actually lost his cool enough to yell at somebody for being to loud. Sure people yelled like that on the mobs dick all the time, but it was pretty much an unsaid rule that if you got Blue on your bad side, you were sleeping with a knife under your pillow for a few days just in case.
When Ace had finally noticed what a, for lack of a better word, bitch Sabo was being he had taken him by the shoulders and directed him back to their shared room. When Sabo had gotten a bit edgy with the raven, refusing to 'take a damn nap' Ace had done something he had only done four times previously. He had spun the blonde around, landing a few firm smacks to his posterior and telling him to get his ass in the bed already.
Sabo had grumbled about annoying older brothers while he striped his jacket and crawled back under the covers.
Sabo was surprised to find out two things when he awoke an hour later. The last remnants of his hangover had disappeared for one, and two was that his brother was sitting on his own bed, looking anything but pleased.
In that moment Sabo wished he could disappear under his blanket, and he had the distinct feeling that those six or seven swats the raven had landed earlier had just been a warning.
"Uh, good morning?" He had tried, sitting up.
"No, you kind of fucked up your morning." The reply had been said in a somewhat humorous tone but Sabo knew his brother well enough to know he was angry. His brother had offered him a cup of water, and was about to say something when there had been a knock on the door. The raven had answered it, talking with the person before looking back at Sabo.
"I gotta go help on deck, get up and get some lunch, since I know you missed it." He had nodded, his hopes rising. Then they had been completely dashed when the raven had stated, "and we're going to talk later." in his best big brother voice.
Sabo groaned as the door shut, pulling his pillow over his head. He would admit that he was being a bar rude to the crew, downright terrible really, but he had no desire to face any sort of punishment for it. He knew that that sounded terribly hypocritical with how often he ended up punishing the raven but the last time he was spanked he had been fourteen. It wasn't to say he was perfect, but he was normally a perfectly responsible person and simply hadn't screwed up enough to earn punishment in the past three years.
He sighed, knowing he couldn't deny the inevitable. He got up, locating his jacket, and headed towards the dining room to see what was left of lunch. The food was served buffet style and they left out lunch until it was either too cold to eat, or it was dinner time. He was surprised though, to see at his and his brothers table an average sized plate with a card resting in front of it that said Blue. He rolled his eyes lifting the card and flipping it over to see Thatches handwriting.
I got you a plate of food I thought you liked.
Thought I would tell you, if you weren't aware, that your brother looks pretty mad. He said you were sleeping off a hangover but he sounded rather angry about it.
He sighed, setting the card down. So he had screwed up quite a bit then. He sat nibbling on the plate for as long as he thought he could get away with before heading out of the dining room to continue what was left of his daily agenda, and purposefully avoiding looking at Ace, after the somewhat disappointed look he had received the first time he had done so.
He managed to avoid the raven only so long though, as they always sat together at dinner, and he didn't want to make it seem like something was wrong between the two of them. He had almost expected the elder boy to scold him, or glare, but he just ate as he normally did, loud and boisterously. The only sign the teen even remembered his earlier promise was when Sabo finished eating and stood to go back to their room.
"I'll be there in a few minutes." The teen had told him before going back to the last remnants of his meal. Sabo had nodded before taking his plate to the kitchen, and retiring to the room. He changed into his sleep clothes, a pair of soft loose fitting pants and a tank top akin to the type he wore as a child. While he made a point to dress nicely during the day, whether he was a pirate or not, but he cared more about comfort when he was sleeping. He sat on his bed, gaze directed at the floor as he waited for Ace. He knew he had been exceedingly rude and, though he hated to admit, that he deserved everything that was coming to him.
The man he had yelled at before lunch hadn't been the only one he was short tempered with, and he was sure Ace knew it. He found himself counting the scratches in the wood as he waiting for the elder boy to arrive in the room, and got to 67 when the door creaked open. Ace stepped inside, closing the door behind him and crossed his arms. Sabo immediately noticed that on the wrist not bearing his log pose was a familiar sea stone bracelet. He didn't have to ask though, he knew the reason.
Ace had only spanked him four times before today, three times when he was twelve and once when he was fourteen. He had spanked Luffy on a number of occasions though, one of those times the day after he had received the mera mera no mi, which he had actually obtained when they found it on the island four days before he and Sabo set out. It had only been four of five swats, but Ace had been angry and on the last one his hand had accidentally caught fire. He had luckily not burned the boy, but Sabo understood if he wanted to make sure his powers were in check while he punished him, even if he probably had enough control without it by now.
He tried to look apologetic, which wasn't hard; he did feel bad about the whole thing, and Ace gave a long sigh. The raven sat down next to him, closer to the head of his bed, and looked at him.
Ace really didn't like this, having to punish his little brother,and was more than happy that it rarely happened. But perhaps because it rarely happened was why he dreaded it so much. In his head Sabo was the good one, the responsible one. Sabo was the one who dished out punishment, not the one in need of it. He knew he couldn't back down though, he was the older one, and if Sabo was in need of a spanking it was his duty to dish it out. He wasn't sure what to say here, but Sabo, ever the intelligent one, saved him from it. The blonde stood up and, without ceremony, draped himself over Aces lap with a mumbled apology that really wasn't like him. Ace wasn't sure if he was trying to make it easier or harder for him. He wrapped his arm around the blondes waist, pulling him close to his stomach as had been done to him so many times before.
He knew that, as he tried hard to appear as responsible and neat as possible, one of the hardest things for Sabo to do was admit his faults. He pulled the blondes loose pants down to his knees, but didn't begin spanking yet, just resting his hand on the teens blue underwear. "Why are you being punished Sabo?" He asked the boy in a soft voice, knowing that admitting his fault would be difficult enough without him speaking angrily.
The blonde shifted slightly, and Ace could see his ears were red. He made no movement to answer though and Ace brought his hand down sharply on the teens butt a few times before letting his hand still again. "Sabo?"
Sabo himself was in slight shock at the harsh smacks, gasping as they landed. He knew spankings hurt but he had forgotten how much. Really when compared to other things they weren't that bad, but coupled with the knowledge that Ace was disappointed in him makes the smacks hurt so much more than anything an enemy had ever done to him. He knew what he had done wrong, but he was prideful by nature and admitting it out loud felt like admitting defeat. He whimpered, legs kicking slightly against his will as Ace sighed and began to lay into his ass. He landed about twenty burning swats, though it felt like a lot more to the blonde teen, before the hand rested on his bottom again, creating an uncomfortable but not painful feeling on the now tender flesh.
The raven cleared his throat before saying in the same light voice he had used before, "Last chance before these come down too Sabo."
The blonde wanted to think that the tenderness in his elder brothers voice didn't effect him, but that would be a lie. Knowing the raven wasn't angry at him strangely relaxed him, while at the same time making him feel like the scum of the earth for forcing him to have to do this, a sob wrenched itself out of his throat disputed his attempts to hold it back, and he struggled to get air in. A hand rubbed lightly at the small of his back, as if telling him to breath. As soon as he had his air intake under control again he forced himself to speak. It wasn't loud, but he knew the raven would hear him over the silence that drenched the room.
"I was being," he had to stop and take a deep breath of air before willing himself to continue. "I was being an asshole to our Nakama." He mumbled the last word but he knew Ace had understood by the reassuring rub to his back.
"Sabo," Aces voice cut into the room drawing all his attention to the slightly older male. "I want you to tell, how many smacks would you have given me in that case?"
Sabo immediately knew it was a way of asking him how much punishment he thought he deserved without hurting his pride too much. He knew Ace was also giving him a way out, by saying a low number, but if he did that he knew he would feel like crap for the rest of the week. He sighed decided to go with the truth, no matter how much it hurt, both physically and mentally. "Probably forty of fifty, since they're nakama." He mumbled out and Ace nodded.
He felt Aces hand raise and buried his face in the crook between Ace's leg and the mattress.
Ace begrudgingly lifted his hand and brought it down, somewhat harder than the previous smacks, on the middle of the blondes ass, eliciting a small noise from the male. 40-50 smacks didn't really sound like that much, but Ace knew from experience that it was, and it felt like a whole lot more on the receiving end. He decided on an amount precisely in the middle. Forty-five.
He landed nine more smacks to the teens boxers, feeling like the worst big brother ever as another barely contained sob passed the blondes lips. He briefly wondered if this was how Sabo felt when spanking him, and sighed. He slipped his thumb in the waistband of the blue boxers, tugging them down to join the blondes pants at his knees. His butt was a pink colour that faded into pale thighs. He sighed and began to bring his hand down on the bottom, starting near the top and working his way down keeping carful track of the swats. The skin slowly changed in colour as he went from the top of his bottom to the middle of his thighs, and then started the circuit over again. As he spanked more cries freed themselves from the blondes throat, before he eventually stopped trying to hold them back. His legs kicked out whenever Ace's hand landed on his thighs.
It took a total of three circuits, and Ace was greatly relieved when he landed the final two swats, making sure to put a slight bit more force behind them, on the teens now red thighs.
At this point the blonde was sobbing out words Ace didn't understand, but he assumed je suis desole was an apology. He rubbed the teens back slowly as he cries diminished. When they had reduced to crying as opposed to the sobbing he was doing before Ace helped him stand up and right his boxers. The blondes cries momentarily increased in volume as the fabric dragged over the inflamed skin and Ace decided it probably would be better to have the teen take the pants the rest of the way off instead of dragging those up too. He stood, pulling the blonde into a tight embrace. His cries had turned to sniffles and he buried his face in the fabric of Aces shirt. They stood like that until the only noise in the room was Sabo's occasional hiccup. The blonde was blushing but made no move to free himself from the Ravens grip.
Eventually Ace let go of the male and allowed him to crawl into the safety of his bed. As soon as the blonde was comfortable situated on his stomach Ace tucked the blanket around him, as he would have done if it was Luffy.
He took a small key from his pocket unlocking the sea stone bracelet and placing both item's down on their shared nightstand before crawling in his own bed.
Not five minutes later both males were asleep, not a care left in the world.
Marco watched as the two newest crew members made their way into the dining room, not missing the way the blonde hissed as he lowered himself into his chair. Across from him Ace either didn't notice or was nice enough to not point it out. He found watching the blonde fidget as he ate slightly amusing. They all knew the blonde had spanked his brother once or twice since being on the ship, but being a fire user and being capable of healing himself they never really had the chance to tease him for it, so seeing his brother fidget in his seat had many of them quietly chuckling.
As breakfast drew to a close the blonde approached him, somewhat stiffly.
"Something wrong, yoi?" He asked, lifting an eyebrow.
"I just wanted to apologise for yelling at you yesterday, it was unprofessional of me."
"It's fine yoi." He smiled and said in a somewhat quieter voice "I think you brother did a pretty good job of showing you what you did wrong yoi."
The blonde blushed bright red, but before he could say anything more ace called to him from across the room asking him if he wanted to go fishing.
The blonde scuttled away with as much dignity as he could, leaving Marco to laugh.
Hahaha with the Omake I breached my goal of 3,500 words. This is not the last of this AU!

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