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Warning: contains spanking of an 18 year old by a 17 year old. I don't own one piece. I don't own the characters. I don't own any alcohol. But at least I own the plot!
Sabo grinned as the moby dick came into view, speeding up his boat as fast as he could. He had arrived just in time, it seemed, as he was 90% sure that today was January first (though it was sometimes hard to keep track at sea). He pulled his tiny boat up next to the Moby Dick, swinging his bag onto his shoulder, he readied to jump up to the ledge. It was truly his brother's type of thing to do, but that didn't mean he was the only one capable of doing it. He jumped off, cussing under his breath as it caused his boat to capsize. Luckily there was nothing left in it, so if he couldn't salvage the small vessel at least he didn't have to go diving for his belongings.
When he landed on the edge he smiled and, ignoring the weapons pointed in his general direction, bowed. "Hello. I would greatly appreciate it if you would aim your swords downwards."
A blonde man looked him up and down, then gave a small wave of his hand, a majority of them putting their weapons away, though they were still clearly tense. "What are you here for yoi?" The blonde asked, muscular arms crossed over his chest. Sabo immediately recognized him (from his extensive research of his brothers crew) as first division commander Marco the Phoenix.
He gave the man one of his most charming smiles and, with a deliberately innocent tilt of the head, "I'm here to see my brother. I believe he's on your crew now, Portgas D. Ace."
He was met with utter silence, before a large man began laughing. (Whitebeard, Sabo noted) "So the brat has a brother then?"
Sabo gave a small nod. "Is he here now? If not I can come back at another time." As he said this he stepped off the railing onto the deck. He didn't bring up the date as he was relatively sure by now that Ace hadn't told them his birthday.
Marco scratched the back of his neck awkwardly at this. A man with an auburn pompadour spoke up. "Well, we were celebrating the new year last night, right?" Sabo nodded urging him on. "The minute it hit midnight, he disappeared into his room and hasn't come out since."
Sabo pinched his lips together in annoyance. He knew his brother didn't like his birthday, but he had never downright hidden from it. "I see. Could you possibly show me where his room is?"
The auburn and the blonde exchanged looks and the blonde nodded. "It's this way yoi."
Sabo thanked the blonde for taking him before slipping inside the room and shutting the door. There was a bundle of blankets on the bed and he almost chuckled at the sight. Sitting on the foot of the bed he waited, knowing that if he didn't say anything the Ravens curiosity would soon get the better of him, and he would look out. Anybody else might have thought that the man cocooned on the bed was asleep, but Sabo knew for a fact that if he were he would be snoring, and the bundle was completely silent. Almost as soon as he sat down and angry voice hissed out, "I told you to leave me the fuck alone Marco!"
Sabo rolled his eyes at the slightly older boys exclamation. "Well then it's a good thing I'm not Marco, isn't it?"
Silence followed before, suddenly, a head of wavy black haired popped out of the blankets. "What the- Sabo? The hell are you doing here?!"
Sabo raised one eyebrow. "You didn't think I was going to miss your birthday? Your 18 now!"
"Yeah that means I'm too old for you to keep pestering me."
"You are never to old for that. Now put on some clothes and introduce be to your Nakama."
"Fuck you."
"I have quicker ways of getting you to move?" He teased the hothead with a smirk.
If looks could kill Sabo was sure he would nothing but a pile of ashes, but his brother huffed and started moving. "Jerk."
Sabo simply smiled adjusting his hat.
"They don't know it's my birthday."
"I assumed as much."
"Your not gonna tell them."
"I won't."
"You will."
Ace pouted leading his brother to the dining room where most of the crew was currently eating lunch, and over to the table to where the rest of the commanders sat. Most of the crew was staring at them, amazed that somebody had managed to drag ace out of him brooding in under five minutes without breaking anything.
The two brothers ignored the looks though as Ace pointed to each commander, telling Sabo their names.
"And this is my brother Sabo, he's two months younger than me."
The people seated around the table smiled, welcoming him, and he bowed to each one in turn.
The man who had been identified as Izo smiled at him. "So did you find out what had our young friend in such a sudden funk?"
Sabo gave a satisfied smirk and nodded. "I did." Nobody said anything for a few moments before the okama rolled his eyes. "Are you going to tell us?"
"No, but Ace is."
The raven glared at him. "Like hell I will."
So that's why he didn't argue in the room, he thinks I can't do anything out here.
"You wanna rethink that?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.
Ace's eyes narrowed slightly, clearly not picking up the warning. Sabo took note of the confused expressions of most of the commanders, excluding Marco who looked particularly amused.
"Why would I need to rethink it, I'm not telling them. You can't fucking make me."
"I can't?" He asked, letting his amusement leak into his voice. He hooked his foot around the leg of the chair in front of him, inching it away from the table. The teens grey eyes widened slightly.
"You wouldn't dare."
"Is that a challenge Ace?"
Marco spoke up then, but didn't stand up. "He doesn't have to tell us yoi..." It was clear the blonde commander had also picked up his (barely hidden) hints by his somewhat worried face. Sabo had to admit that if the man was willing to try to get him brother out of a smacking, Ace truly had picked good Nakama.
"Yes he does, it's important."
"No I fucking don't." Ace argued, small flames flicking across his shoulders, almost threatening. Sabo shrugged, using his foot to turn the chair around as he grabbed Ace's wrist. "Have it your way." He said pulling a bracelet from his pocket, snapping it onto Aces wrist as he sat down.
The flames on his shoulders went out as soon as the bracelet made contact, but Ace didn't seem to notice too preoccupied trying to get out of the blondes grip.
The bracelet Sabo had used had a small concentration of sea stone, only enough to block off his powers and slightly weaken him. That small bit of weakness though was enough for Sabo to overpower him, having the Raven over his knees in a matter of seconds, hand pressing on the small of his back to hold him in place. By now everybody was staring at Ace silently, most of their faces showing pity.
Ace pushed his hands on the chair, trying to get away with a "let me go bastard!" That echoed throughout the room. Sabo ignored this using his elbow to push between the teens shoulder blades. As he was forced forwards he had to throw his hands out against the ground to stop himself from falling.
Sabo wasted no time in bringing he hand down, getting in four smacks before Ace started thrashing around.
"FUCKING QUIT!" The fire user yelled at him, jerking around as much as he could. Sabo sighed, adjusting how he was holding the Raven. He pulled his body close to his stomach, wrapping his arm around him before resuming the spanking. "Cussing is getting you nowhere you want to go, Ace." The blonde admonished moving the smacks slightly further down to hit his sit spots as well.
"Quit thrashing so much, unless you'd like your crew to know what kind of underwear you have on?" He wouldn't really do it, his swats would be strong enough through both layers of fabric. He wanted to embarrass his brother but not to that degree. Besides, if his nakama were as good as they looked they wouldn't hold a spanking over his head for more than a few days.
A deep blush covered his face and he curled one of his hands around the fabric of Sabo's pants. The only sound in the room was Sabo's hand on Aces shorts, and Aces barely contained grunts and whimpers, everybody else too shocked or scared to speak. It wasn't every day somebody could hold fire fist down, even with a bit of sea stone, and none of them wanted to test out the blondes strength.
It was clear when Sabo increased the strength of his swats, as Aces legs began to kick involuntarily. The blows were focused mainly on his thighs and sit-spots when Ace finally shouted "FINE! I'll tell them!."
Sabo nodded, stopping the assault so Ace could speak. The Raven took a few deep breaths bore saying "it's my..." He paused long enough that Sabo landed two more swats.
"Ow! Fine, it's my fucking birthday!" Ace exclaimed, looking more pained than angry. Sabo immediately released him and the fire user jumped up quickly, glaring at the blonde.
It was quiet for all of twenty second before a variety of reactions sounded across the room.
Sabo smiled as he watched his brother, who for once actually seemed to be having a good time. He said nothing when Marco sat down next to him, handing him a mug of rum.
Silence covered them before "did you really need to do that yoi?"
Sabo nodded with a sad smile. "He keeps his anger bottled up too much. I may have been a bit harsh on him, but it gave him an outlet in a way, even if only for a few moments."
Marco nodded. "...aren't you younger than him yoi?"
At this Sabo laughed. "Yeah, but I've been doing it for years. We didn't have any adults living with us as kids, so one of us had to be responsible, and it sure as hell wasn't Ace."
Marco laughed too. "No I guess not."
"Do you think he realizes the bracelet is still on yoi?"
"Give it a few minutes."
That's it, 1767 words and 2 hours of plotting. Poor Ace, you fell victim to the plot bunnies.

Fireproof gogglesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora