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Roy Harper remembers the first time he met Green Arrow, or Oliver Queen he would soon find out. The Green Arrow was judging an archery competition on the Navajo reservation, one that Roy failed miserably in. His arrows flew in every which direction, making him look like the worst archer in the world. The look on the Green Arrows face was one of pity and amusement and that's what set off Roy's need to prove himself to the legendary Green Arrow.

He also remembers the look on Green Arrow's face when he shot the arrow that took down a criminal. It was full of disbelief and amazement, and even a little bit of pride. So when the Green Arrow offered him an apprenticeship, Roy was floored, and accepted immediately. The excitement in Oliver's eyes was something he would never forget.

That moment when they first connected was the only time Roy truly liked Oliver Queen.

Even when he became his ward after Brave Bow died, Roy never truly liked Oliver, he admired his skill, sure, but Roy fucking hated him. He hated how he always though he was better than him. He fucking hated when Oliver would never admit he was wrong, even to himself. He fucking hated how he always acted like what he said was the right way, the only way. He especially fucking hated how he always critized him just because he was taught a different way.

So what if he turned his body a bit too far? It helped him angle the arrow so it would hurt ten times worse when someone tried to take it out. And when Roy tried to explain that, he was immediately shot down.

As if Oliver fucking Queen was the king of the universe and Roy Harper was a child that needed to be taught a lesson.

Well he wasn't. Unlike Oliver, he grew up learning archery and he was the best in the entire tribe. He may even be better than Oliver himself. So Roy didn't need Oliver, but that's something Oliver God's-fucking-gift Queen doesn't seem to understand. But Roy? Roy knew that. And when Oliver made some inane comment about how "the Indians" didn't teach him right, Roy was fucking done.

Oliver never treated him with respect but disrespecting his family was the last straw. Roy might not be the best guy in the world, but he would never participate in casual racism, especially against one of the most marginalized groups in the world.

So he packed his meager belongings and left Oliver Queen's pompous, self centered ass in the dust because he was done. Completely, utterly done with Oliver Queen.

And halfway back to the reservation that toss him out, a realization hit him. Why should he go back? He has a car. He has the trust fund his parents left him, full of money. And a driver's license that says he's eighteen. He could go literally anywhere he wants.

But the problem is, he didn't know where to go. So he said fuck it and set a map on the hood of the car Oliver gave him and pointed to a random place.

It ended up being a seemingly peaceful town in the rural part of Northern California, called Beacon Hills.

So this is going to be a little bit different than the original prompt because Oliver (in my opinion at least) was a total dick to Roy (in the comics idk about the show, I didn't really like Roy or the black canary there), especially when Roy got addicted to heroine. Oliver just kicked him out and didn't even bother getting him help and I thought that was totally unfair because Roy loved him so much and I kinda just hated Oliver forever after that so yeah. Enough of me ranting. Also I'm changing Roy a bit so that he's the same age as the others (seventeen/legally eighteen) so Roy wouldn't have to have a guardian. So yeah anyways, I hoped you liked it so far and if you could leave comments and stuff just letting me know what you think, that would be totally amazing. Thanks for the support guys ❤❤❤

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