Chapter 12- Bookstore Blues

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I found out what the ship name is! It's Ensel! So I hope you guys like this Ensel chapter!

Bookstore Blues

  I peeked out the door to see if anyone was on the street. Nobody was. I stepped out silently and closed the door with a soft click. I checked both ways again before bounding down the path.

  I wore blue skinny jeans because they were my favourite jeans and an awesome top. My top has the lightning insignia faded into this background of a picture of a galaxy. You have to see it to understand what I am on about really. It was a little baggy- which I love in some tops- and it hung off of one shoulder slightly showing off a bright blue bra strap. I wore grey slippers with cute teddy bears on them and my hair was shoved into a light multicoloured bureau that my nana knitted for me when I was thirteen.

  I may have a weird taste in fashion but it all comes down to one thing: comfort. If I’m not comfortable in the clothes I wear then I will not wear them, end of story.

  I bounded up to the mail box happily since nobody was out today. The sky was grey with clouds but it wasn’t hot or cold or muggy. It was just right with the hint of the next season coming pretty soon. I remember back when May used to be autumn, my favourite season, but now May is spring which isn’t too bad either. I love Autumn because of the leaves and because it isn’t too hot or too cold.

  I opened the squeaky mail box and yanked out the big pile of mail. There happened to be a lot.

  When Leila and Harry used to get the mail they used to go through and get rid of any of our mail even if it was just something like a letter from the library saying we had an overdue. Now when I get it I don’t go through and take out the mail from us, instead I hide it and give it to the person who’s name is written in fancy font of the front.

  I quickly skimmed through the mail to find out that there are a few bills, a letter from the library for Faye and a large package for me. Hmm... I went back inside and ignored the rules and went to the boy’s side. Leila and Harry left ages ago for work so they weren’t around to tell me what to do.

  The others disappeared ages ago as well. So I just walked to Cameron’s room and threw the bills onto his bed. He doesn’t pay them, he just likes to hide them and make sure that Leila and Harry get yelled at by the company billing them before he brings them out and makes sure they find them. It’s funny really so I have made a habit of giving him the letters.

  I walked back to the girl’s side of the house and threw Faye’s letter into her room before returning to my own. I looked longingly at my ‘door’ which was still just a gaping hole in the wall and flopped onto my bed on my back.

  I held up the large package and inspected it. It didn’t look like much besides a fat heavy package. I was suspicious so I tore it open aggressively. I pulled out a letter first.

  I just about screamed.

  Dear Erin Llamavich,

  We are happy to say we have accepted you into Massey University, WITT University and Otago University. We understand that you cannot attend any of these schools until you are eighteen so we will keep you a space open for five years so you can come and join us in our learning process whenever you want.

  I had to stop reading I was hyperventilating that much. I never sent in a letter asking to join any of my favourite universities over in New Zealand so how could they accept me in? One of the others must have sent it in instead. But how did they get any material to send?

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