Chapter 6

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                A few days later, our parents went out. So we followed them again. Now that I realize that I like Gabriel, I was so nervous when I’m with him.

                Our parents today went to a souvenir shop for a wedding.

                I was looking at mom. She was very happy. Then guilt struck me. What am I doing?

“They looked so happy,” Gabriel suddenly said.

                I was really silent this day. I haven’t said anything but just answer Gabriel when he asked me something.

                “Are you alright?” he asked me.

                When he asked me that, my heart started beating so fast. “Yes,” I mumbled. “I think they really like each other. And they are a perfect couple.”

                Gabriel looked at our parents. “I think so to. Wait, they are coming out.”

                We hid at the shop beside the one they went to. Gabriel was so near me, my face was sure blushing right now. I could smell his cologne. He smelled so good. What am I doing? Smelling Gabriel like that.

                “Come on,” he said grabbing my hand.

                I looked at his hand touching mine. My heart started pounding so hard in my chest. Oh no! What am I feeling right now? I can’t understand it! I’m going nuts! I removed my hand from his and walked fast. I was looking at our parents crossed the street and I didn’t saw the light turned red for the pedestrian lane.

                “Alice! Look out!” I heard Gabriel shouted.

                I saw a car rushing towards me. My heart was pounding so fast. I felt someone pulled me. Gabriel was holding my arm and looking so worried and at the same time angry. “What are you doing?! Do you know how scared I was?” He hugged me tight. “Don’t do that again.”

                Gabriel – he was worried – and hugging me?. “I’m sorry,” I cried. I was really scared too. I thought that car would hit me.

                “What is happening to you?” Gabriel asked me. “You look so down.”

                “I was thinking of something,” I said.And not because of what I felt for Gabriel but because of something else.

                We didn’t follow our parents anymore. We went to the park and he bought me an ice cream. “Thank you,” I told him.

                We didn’t talk for a while.

                “Do you think we should stop?” I asked him.

                “Yes,” he replied. “I think we should.”

                I sighed. I guessed Gabriel will be my step brother after all. Now, I can’t like him anymore.

                “My mom is really happy. I could see it,” I said.

                “My dad too. I can’t believe he’s going to be that happy again,” he said.

                “I thought my mom doesn’t need anyone. But I was wrong,” I said. “Your dad makes my mom so happy. And – we are so selfish! Why are we stopping them? Why are we stopping the thing that could make them happy?”

                Gabriel comforted me. I was crying so hard.

“I know what you feel,” he said. “That’s what I’m feeling right now. We both want our parents to be happy. And we are both feeling guilty of what we are doing.”

Gabriel was hugging me and it made me feel better.

“Let’s go home,” Gabriel said.

He again accompanied me home. “Alice,” he called.“All we could do is be happy for them.”

                “I know,” I said.

                “And Alice,” he added.

                “What is it?” I asked him.

                “I think I will like you as my sister,” he said and he left.

                I don’t know if those words made me want to cry. But I felt a pain in my heart when he said that. He like me as a sister. And I really like him a lot. And I need to stop liking him because he was going to be my step brother. I’m so stupid! Why did I fall for him? Now because of my that, I’m feeling so heart broken.

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