Chapter 5 | "Band names...."

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Setting the scene. The day is Friday, and classes were about to begin for the day. Normal day, normal life. As usual.


Michael stuffed his textbooks into his bag as he walked off to home room. Aka, math. He wanted to call math the bottomless pits in hell, because highschool was hell. So Michael just trudged down the long hallway, taking all the time in the world since it was around 10 minutes till class started.

Sure he was excited for today, although he didn't know why. But Michael's cheery mood was squashed like a fly when he realized he had math first. In the morning. Like Michael has sai- excuse me thought before, math and mornings do not mix.

Michael did brighten up a 'lil though when Jasper sat down next to him.

It was like a repeat of the first day when Michael came back from being sick. Which seemed weird to Michael. He wasn't used to something on repeat.

But this day was gonna be far different, and he didn't know how but it would be.

Michael's POV

I was sitting peacefully in my wooden chair that was already numbing my áss from sitting so long in the same position. Jasper and I would occasionally exchange notes, but besides that, we paid attention for once.

It was awfully quiet in the classroom, as if you could hear a coin drop if one did. I tuned into someone's conversation in front of me while the teacher was busily writing away on the board. "It feels like it was summer 5 seconds ago."

That's when I got the name. After continuous amounts of brainstorming for a band name, I got the name. I quickly took out my phone and went to the group chat Luke, Calum, and I shared. I then texted these exact 19 characters. "5 seconds of summer."

The last 10 minutes of math seemed to go by for eternity. The teacher handed out the homework, and all that time it felt like the ticks of the clock in the front of the room above the board, stood out more. Of course this was no highschool musical bullshít where people would start mumbling "weekend" even though it was just the beginning of this long áss day.

But, like always, when I thought a day would go by slowly, it went by within the blink of an eye.

Jasper's POV (It's not the end of the day, so I'm kinda rewinding back to when it's history for Jasper.)

Luke and I had gotten pretty far on the project we got assigned 2 days ago or something. We were assigned to research Greek and Roman times, and we both had to present the essay we had to write together, that was 20 pages. Luke and I were already around our tenth page, but we knew it wouldn't just be the essay for this project. Mostly because the deadline was a month from now.

We'd probably have to make multiple posters or something. Which honestly, wouldn't be too hard for me but I didn't know about Luke. Luke and I would have small chit chat here and there. There was also some humming of Nirvana and Green Day songs.

Mrs. Adilae sat quietly at the front of the room, still correcting the tests from around 2 or 4 days ago. I had honestly completely lost track of the day's recently. For instance I had no idea if it was this week or last week that Michael had appeared in my life. Hell, all I knew was that it was a Friday.

When lunch came the cafeteria was just full of laughter and taking, also the clinking of forks here and there. For once there were no arguments or physical fights. It was finally very calm, but everyone was still being typically loud teenagers.

I had shared some texts with Luke, and the usual long texting conversations I had with Michael. I actually had a pretty good Friday today, and I didn't want to go home and have the whole "I had a good Friday for once" thing ruined. So I made plans for after school with Jay, since she had a free period at the end of the day like me.

Thankfully, Jay didn't have any clubs at the end of the day like she usually did. So we got to go straight to the mall, since we both received our paycheck a this Friday. Macca's paid quite well, so when we got to our favorite store, we went flipping crazy.

But of course this store was one of those stores.

Those really really cool stores.

A store where you could find snap backs, bandanas, instruments, band t-shirts, TV show t-shirts. Anything geeky, gothic, nerdy, and cut but not too cute. Y'know? And anything in the store wasn't something you'd eat, kinda like a Hottopic for Sydney Australia.

Trust me, Jay and I have looked everywhere. There's not one anywhere here. Seriously.

So after we practically raided the store, and somehow managed to only spend 30 bucks, probably because we put away half the shít we wanted. Which broke my heart because I had to leave my The Nightmare Before Christmas jumper behind. Don't worry I did take the time to dramatically wipe away a fake tear, before Jay and I were almost running into people, pillars, or walls from not being able to see straight. All because we were laughing to hard.

We were still laughing. Too bad so sad, we didn't give a shit when I ran right into a pole.

Awhile after Jay and I calmed down our laughter, although she stopped laughing 10 minutes before I did after running into a pole, she started laughing again. Probably because I looked like I was a constipated grandpa.

Anyways after that we headed to the Starbucks in the mall before I bought a caramel frappuccino, and she bought whatever she bought. I know, such good friends. We started walking again, almost strutting because of how happy we were of the 4 bags we were gripping in both our left hands. Let me rephrase that.

We both were carrying 4 bags in our left hand.

You'd think we'd get some stares from other shoppers.

(A/N SORRYYYYY I haven't updated in awhile. I hope the readers I managed to get haven't left yet. I live in amurrrica so I had to look some of dis stuff up. IM SO SORRY I DONT KNOW AUSTRALIAN MONEY STUFF! And I was too lazy to look it up tbh. Smh!!!!!! Anyways hope you enjoyed this shítty chapter! Have a marvelously marvelous day!)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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