Chapter One | "Smartass."

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Michael was working on writing in science when he suddenly felt his phone vibrate from under his thigh. Yes, he was hiding his phone under his thigh.

Michael's POV

As I slowly took my phone from under my thigh I saw it was an unknown number but I recognized the number. In fact I knew every single number, it was in fact from the new girl, Jasper. Maybe I had already memorized her number, maybe I did. Calum glanced at my phone from his seat beside me, raising his eyebrows at me. "You never get a text message from an unknown number."

"I-it's from the new g-girl."

"Sweet man!"

"Shh! Keep it down will ya"

"Sorry mate."

I then quickly read the text. It read "Hey! Sorry for bothering you, you're probably in class. Do you know where the history class is? I'm completely lost. I'm also in the main hall/entrance area place thing XD"

I texted back with "Head straight then take a left. 3 doors down then you should be there."

"Thanks Michael! Your a life saver. Uh this is Michael right?"

"You got that right. Jasper?"

"Yup! Well I'm off to class, sorry for disturbing yours :)"

"It's perfectly fine :)"

I glanced up to see Calum staring at me. "Dude are you friend-zoned?"

I simply shrugged in response, not getting what the big deal was. "C'mon man after school you gotta get an upgrade."

"W-What do you mean?"

"Your just a big bundle of cuteness."

"U-uh thanks?"

"No mate it's not a compliment."

"O-oh. W-well we should probably pay attention now......"

"We're in the back mate."


Calum groaned at my reply as I turned back around and scribbled multiple notes into my notebook that had been put on the white board- for tomorrow's test. Wait, test? There's a test tomorrow?! Dammit I didn't know!

Jasper's POV
(To when she just got directions from Michael)

I was rushing to history, not wanting to be too late since there was a test on Thursday, two days from now. As I followed Michael's directions I found myself in front of the history classroom, or rather room A15. It wasn't too long after the warning bell so I just hoped I wasn't gonna get in trouble.

As I opened the door every single person stared at me as if I had killed someone. Except for this guy in the back. It seemed like he was reading my shirt. The boy had blonde hair and blue eyes, his hair swept across his forehead and some acne scattered about his face. (A/N YAS they're all fetus puberty ain't workin Magic yet.) I smiled at him and he smiled back. He seemed like a nice guy. Then I flickered my gaze to Mrs. Adilae, the history teacher. "Sorry Mrs. Adilae I lost my way and couldn't find history."

"Oh Jasper! Take a seat, it's alright I remember when I was like that since I was the new girl around your age." I nodded and flashed a smile before noticing the only open seat was next to that boy. It wasn't Michael, but he still seemed nice. I quickly took a seat all the way in the back next to him, nodding and smiling before he did the same.


He chuckled and nodded while saying "I know, and I'm Luke. I see you like Nirvana?"

"Yup." The teacher then started writing on the board as fast as a bullet train. Well maybe not that fast but you get my flow.

"I better pay attention, there's a quiz on Thursday." I stated and he nodded in agreement. I quickly took out my composition book I had for history. My math book was a black binder notebook, so they were completely different books. I had a different book for each subject. Yay, lots of organizing. Note the sarcasm.

After a while I had 2 pages full from all the information she gave in just one class. Back and front sides of both of those 2 pages. That's when she did the dreaded announcement, just before class ended.

"Class! You will be given a project after this quiz and there is no homework tonight except for studying. Please select your partners, so that when the time comes we don't spend a whole class session on getting a stupid partner." Luke and I glanced at each other and smiled, knowing we both wanted to be partners. I quickly scribbled my number on the corner of a page in the back of my composition book before ripping the corner out and handing it too him. As I did I held a smile on my face.

I quickly gathered my belongings just as the bell rang and shoved them into my unorganized messenger bag, waving to Luke before scurrying out of the classroom.

Michael's POV *a couple hours later, after school.*

"Hey Mikey! Just wanted to know how you were doing and what you were doing! I'm stuck at home with my husbands, aka the fridge and Netflix. Sad life I have. Dat YODA talk!! :o" Jasper texted me. I smiled at her text as I waited outside of the school for Calum.

"Professional Yoda talk you have. I'm fine and waiting outside of school for Calum. How are you already home? School just got out."

"I have a free period at the end of the day so I can go home early :p"


"Tehe. Btw are you good on that science test or whatever? You texted me that you needed some help during lunch."

"Tbh I think I'm gonna fail. Do you have the same teacher as me or are you in the AP?"

"I'm in the AP. :/ I can still help you though! How bout tomorrow at 5?"

"Sure! Where?"

"The library I guess :p my house is embarrassing."

"XD I understand, the library it is. You can't drive can you."

"NOPE! I take it neither can you? I mean we're both the same age."

"Yeah I can't."

"So your meeting me at the library, tomorrow, at 5?"

"You're* and yes I am."

"You smartass."

"Payback's a bítch ;)"

I then stopped texting when I saw she was no longer texting and Calum had appeared. I waved him over and he walked through the crowd, that was getting smaller and smaller, of high schoolers. "You ready mate?"

"Ready as I'll ever be I-I guess...."

(A/N YASSS fetus 5sos! Hope you enjoy the story so far! Only one day till the single is out!!!!)

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