Different clans

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The clan Dunbroch was rivals with the clan Berk for hundreds of years, the king and queen of the clan and kingdom of Dunbroch had a daughter named Merida, who was first born to the throne and was five years of age at the time. The clan Berk had a chief who proudly aired his six year old son to being chief of the clan one day. The king decided to give Merida a taste of the world outside the palace walls. He brought her to a small forest where she would be safe to frolic around. Merida explored the forest with every bit of curiosity she had. Merida ventured off to a barren corner of the forest... Come come... Merida heard a whisper by a tree, come come... It said again... Hello? Who is there? Merida said. Suddenly she sees a whisp, and another, and a trail of whisps! Merida starts to run through the path of whisps until... Dad?! Daddy! Where are you! A little boy, pale as snow with a fur vest and a green shirt about merida's age stares out into the forest trees without noticing his follower behind him. " crunch! " goes a leaf under merida's foot. Ahh!!! Merida screams and starts running back when she felt a light tug on her arm, it was the boy! I am really sorry, I was just lost. The boy smiles with his bright green eyes sparkling. It's ok, Who are you? Merida says. My name is Hiccup, what's your name? Merida couldn't believe that this boy she was talking to is her kingdom's rival! I... I.. have to g.. Before Merida could finish, she hears a growl coming from a group of trees. Her and Hiccup start to slowly back up while hearing the growl get louder and louder. Suddenly a tall, menacing black bear comes out from behind the trees! The beast had dozens of spears doven into it's back and had a crooked skull. The beast started charging right for Merida. Merida stared in fear, frozen to the ground and pale, Merida!!! What are you doing, MOVE!!! Hiccup suddenly jumps and pushes Merida out of the way, Merida falls to the ground, Hiccup! Merida screams out while seeing the young boy grabbed and taken away by the bear. Merida stayed in the forest for an hour crying, and searching for the boy. Merida eventually came out from the forest ashamed of herself for what she caused of Hiccup. She didn't speak of it to anyone because she couldn't do anything about it and if the chief of Berk found out that it was her fault, another war would be caused.

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