Chapter 6

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"[Y/N]-san! [Y/N]-san!"

I heard someone calling my name and I tried opening my eyes my eyes slowly.

What... happened?

My head was spinning.

I tried to stand up just for a jolt of pain to hit my whole body. I closed my eyes again and tried to remember what just happened.

Right, there was a fight. They took Kaede and Yukiko with them...

"Are you alright guys?" Okuda asked us.

"Yeah, I'm glad that you are safe Okuda-san" Nagisa responded.

"Sorry, I hid form the very start".

"Say, Manami-san, did you see in what direction they went?" I asked and tried to stand up again.

"No, I'm sorry" she said apologizing.

"Tell me [Y/N]-chan, did you know those guys?" Karma asked me as he offered me a hand.

"Yeah, you call the leader 'Ryuuki-kun'" Sugino continued.


"Huh? Ah... umm, sort of" I said. "Those guys used to hang around my school and were always trying to picki fights with everyone. The name 'Ryukki' was heard a lot".

"But he called your name too, that means he knows you, right?" Karma said.

Karma-kun, that's a story you can't know yet.

"I used to be really popular, he probably heard my name somewhere hahaha.... Well, I hink we should save this conversation for later" I said trying to change the subject. "Now we need to find our friends".

I cleaned the dirt of my uniform as I continued talking. "For what I know, those idiots are weak when they aren't in group, but they are really dangerous when together. We need to rescue Yukiko and Kayano-chan before they call the rest of the gang".

"Wait, you y-you mean there are more?" Okuda said scared.

"Well, with that said, I'd like you all to let me deal with them personally" Karma said, his eyes turning dark.

We left the street and hung up somewhere else. We evaluated our options and made a plan to rescue our friends when Nagisa found something interesting in the trip guide Koro-sensei gave us.

We called him for help.

"Let's go!" Sugino said

As we started rushing to the place where Ryukki and his gang were hidding, I got stopped by someone pulling my arm.

"Remember we have a pending conversation, [Y/N]-chan" Karma whispered in my ear.

Ugh, if he still remembers it after we finish our bussiness, maybe I won't have much options than to tell him.

"F-Fine, we will talk when this is over" I said nervously.

He let go my arm and we rushed to catch up with the rest.

After some running, we finally reached the place and fortunately, it was really where the gang was hiding.

One guy was guarding the entrance.

"Leave this to me" Karma said and took care of the guy. When he finally passed out, another one appeared behind Karma.

"You should have gone home!" the guy said as he tried to punch him.

"Oh, shut up!" I hit him making him passing out immediately. "Watch your back, Karma-kun".

We entered the building and faced the rest of the gang.

Later Koro-sensei showed up just in time ti execute the plan and helped us beating the rest.

After all the fuss, I waited for my friends to leave the building so I could approach the leader one last time.

"See, you shouldn't have messed with my friends" I lifted the head of the guy lying on the floor and smiled. "I'll see you someday, Ryuuki-kun" I said and exited the place.

After all, we safely returned to the inn and went to rest in our rooms.

"I'll go to buy a drink, do you want anything?" I asked the girls.

"Thank you, we are okay"

I walked to the inn's common area to find a vending machine. I got a drink and stayed there for a while, resting in one of the sofas.

Ahh~ today sure was a hard day.

I think I got a little bit carried away during that fight. Thankfully, no one made any questions, well except for...

"Hm? Why are you so lonely here, [Y/N]-chan" a familiar voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh, Karma-kun." I turned to look at him. "I was just thinking"

"Huh~ about what?"

"Nothing really important" I said waving my hand.

"Then, can we talk?" he asked, walking closer to me. "Remember you owe me a conversation"

Oh, here we go.

"So, what do you want to know?" I asked.

"Everything. But first, where did you learn to fight like that? That Ryuuki guy was seriously afraid of you, what's the story?"

"Well..." I thought calmly about my answer.

Saying the whole truth may be trouble some. I'll just give him a general idea.

"I used to practice martial arts long ago, I just acted instinctively" I said innocently. "About Ryukki... an old friend of mine used to date him, that's why he knows my name. He's scared of me because we once had a one on one combat and he lost haha~".

Yes, that should do.

"Ohh, [Y/N]-chan is amazing" Karma said thoughtful. "An ace at school and now at fighting. I have to say I've never seen someone fighting like that before, you did great".

In the past I used to hear a lot of people praising me for whatever reason, most of them weren't sincere at all, but now hearing Karma saying such things, it made me feel different than back then.

"But [Y/N]-chan, you got hurt" he said as he cupped the cheek where I was punched. "This was done when you tried to warn me about being hit, right?"

"Oh, this is just a little scratch" I let out a silly giggle. "I'll be fi..."

He took out some ointment and started rubbing it on the wound. I could feel his thumb softly caresing my cheek, it made my blush slightly.

Ah, Karma-kun, please don't be too kind to me.

"Thanks for watching my back, [Y/N]-chan" he said in a kind tone.

"Anytime" I responded and smiled at him.

A/N from first version (2015):

Hi \(^▽^)/

Yeah, that was Chapter 6, did you liked it? Well, I hope so. Also I'm very sorry if I made Karma too ooc  (シ_ _)シ

And the video maybe doesn't have anything to do with the story, but I was listening to it while writting the end and I just felt like adding it.

Well, tell me your thoughts in the comments and vote if you want.

Bye bye ヽ(・∀・)ノ
Notes from edited version (2019):
I've just realized that indeed I made Karma way to ooc.

About the video at the beginning, I'm not sure if it can still be played, but for what I remember, it was from a song. Either it was 'Angel with a Shotgun by The Cab' or 'Not Strong Enough by Apocalyptica' I can't remember which one was it.

Anyway, happy new year everyone! 🎊🎊

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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