Chapter 3

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I'd been in class E for a few weeks and I had already gotten along with almost everyone.

Exams were coming soon and Koro-sensei was going to give us a special study session.

Out of nowhere, he started duplicating and running around everyone seats with his Mach 20 speed. At some point, each one of us had a Koro-sensei clone helping us with our worst subject.

"[L/N]-san, I heard that you used to get really good scores on your previous years".

"Well... yeah" I let out a silly laugh.

"I don't know your weak points yet, so we'll review different subjects, all right?" He appeared with a headband with '[random subject]' written on it.


It's been a while since the last time I studied for an exam. Now that I think about it, I did,t even study for the entrance exam...

Suddenly Koro-sensei's face distorted.


"Please don't try to assassinate me all of a sudden, Karma-kun" he said angrily.

I turned to look at the boy sitting next to me and noticed that he was pointing a knife to our teacher's face and smirking.

Actually it seemed like he wasn't paying attention to Koro-sensei's lessons at all.

Right, Nagisa-kun once told me that Karma-kun is a student with really good grades, but he was suspended due to violent behavour and later sent here.

Hm~ I guess he doesn't need to study either.

Class finished after a long time and everyone was exhausted. Having a Mach 20 study session was seriously tiring.

"Well kids, you can go home now".

I took my backback and made my way to the exit of the old biulding. When I stepped out, I saw a familiar face.

"Asano Gakuho..." I muttered.

Why is he here? I thought he never came around here.

Ah, please don't be here because of me. I'll better ignore him.

Think that if I don't see him, he won't see me... ugh.

I continue walking, going in the opposite direction where Asano was. As I made my way I could feel his eyes set on me, he was sure going to call me at any time.


I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and to see it was my seat neighbour.

"Oh, Karma-kun. Are you going home?" I said, relieved.

"Yeah, want to walk together?" he asked.

"Sure" I said happily.

Yes, thank you! Asano-san wouldn't bother me if he sees I'm with other people.

During this few weeks, Karma and I have grown closer to each other.

"Say, [Y/N]-chan. I'm curious".

"Hm~ about what?"

"Is it true that you got a perfect score on your entrance exam?" he asked.

"Eh?! Where did you hear that?" I asked a bit nervous.


Ugh, maybe he said it to Koro-sensei on the teachers room and Karma-kun heard it over.

Mischievous Kiss [Karma x Reader] (Editing...)Where stories live. Discover now