Chapter 1

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I'm going to be late.

I looked at the mirror and fixed my uniform, I walked downstairs and left the house.

At the other side of the road a car was waiting for me.

"Good morning [F/N]-sama" my chauffeur said while opening the door for me.

"Good morning. You know, I told you to stop being so formal with me" I said as I entered the car.

"Yes, sorry [F/N]-san" he closed the door.

"Well, I think that's better" I said and let out a soft giggle.

He entered the car and started driving. It was a short way to the school's main campus, so we arrived with enough time.

"I'll walk from here" I said, preparing to get out of the car. "Better thought, I'll walk to school starting tomorrow".

"Are you sure [Y/N]-san? It's still a long way to get up the mountain"

"Yeah, people will start talking if I arrive in such a luxurious car everyday" I said while looking at the window. "Anyway, now I'm leaving. Thanks taking me here" I smiled and got off the car.

"Alright, take care [Y/N]-san. Have a nice first day".

I started walking in the direction I was pinted the other day. The direction where the mountain that takes to Class E was located

So.. I'll have to climb up this thing everyday huh? Well, let's see if it's as bad as people say.

While I walked up the mountain I faced with different obstacles; big spider webs, really tiny places to walk, some dangerous cliffs, big holes in the ground and more. It took me a while to het throught them, but nothing to bad.

Finally when I reach the top I found an old abandoned building: the Class E building.

I stepped inside and took a small tour. There was just one classroom, a room for cooking and one for arts, a tiny infirmary and the teacher's room.

Hearing what seemed like a rusty bell ringing, I walked to where my new classroom was and there I found a slightly familiar person standing next to the door.

"Oh, good morning Karasuma-san" I said as I approached him. "Sorry, I think I'm a bit late".

"Good morning [L/N]-san, it's okay. Now you'll enter to the classroom, that octopus is already inside. Please try your best".

When the Ministry of Defense told me about the existence of Koro-sensei, they told me that it would be good if I give my first try on day one. I really didn't like the idea, but I thought I'd give it a try.

At first I couldn't believe that such thing existed. I mean, if someone told you that a yellow big octopus who can fly at mach 20 existed, you probably wouldn't believed it too.

My plan was simple.

A day before I took one of the knives I was given and melted it, then I just added some colorant to match with the color of my sweater and blended it with my uniform. The idea was that this yellow octopus just had to touch my sweater, then when his tentacles blow up, I would attack him with a knife or pull out a gun.

"So Karasuma-san, is it really okay if I try to attack him however I want?" I asked a bit nervous.

"Yeah, now you are part of the mission too, you're allowed plan an attack however you want" he said and opened the door for me. "Good luck"

I entered the classroom slowly and walked to the teacher's desk.

"Everybody listen, today a new student will join us on Class E" the octopus turned to look at me. He started walking towards me and it seemed that he was going to put his tentacles over my shoulders.

Perfect. Well~ I think it's time.

"Now, please intro-", he was cut off because of the sound of his tentacles blowing up.

He quickly stepped back.

A the sound of surprised gasps filled the room. I took out a knife that was hiding under my sleeve and attacked him with it, later I pull out a gun and tried to hit the target, but he easily dodged it though.

So this is mach 20

"Oh, you are indeed very fast Koro-sensei~" I said while putting back the weapons into my pocket and turning to face my new classmates.

"Hello everybody, my name is [L/N] [Y/N], I'll be studying with yoy from today. It's a pleasure to meet you all" I made a small bow .

"I'm sorry for the fuss, that won't happen again" I said and smiled innocently.

Koro-sensei walked towards me after he recovered from the fright. "That was a good attempt, I actually didn't see that coming, but..." his faced turned red "you shouldn't try to kill your teacher on your first day"

The small tension in the room vanished and everyone started laughing after watching the reaction of the yellow creature.

"Yes, yes. I'm sorry Koro-sensei" I said and let out a low giggle.

"Now, let's see where is going to be your seat" he started looking around the room. "Oh right there".

My seat was in the last row.

When I sat down, I started taking out my books and I noticed that there was someone looking at me.

That someone was a boy with red hair and golden eyes.

"[L/N]-san" the boy called me. "That book won't do. We are using a newer edition" he said and showed me his book.

Indeed the cover was different and it was a more recent version.

That Asano... he gave me an old list of the books I sould have bought. Ugh.

"It's that so?" I sighed "Well, I should go buy a new one later. Thanks, umm..."

"Akabane Karma" he said "You can call me Karma"

"Thanks, Karma-kun" I said and smiled to him.

Karma-kun, he has a mischievous aura around him. He seems fun to hang around with, I hope we can get along well.

Notes while editing (2019):
Lol I'm so annoying, I'm sorry to whoever read this when I fist published it. This is so stupid hahaha

Mischievous Kiss [Karma x Reader] (Editing...)Where stories live. Discover now