Chapter 2

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Class finished and it was time for lunch.

When the bell rang, a girl with green hair approached me.

"Hey~ [L/N]-chan, want to eat with us?" she asked with a smile.

"Sure" I nodded happily.

She grabbed my wrist and took me with her.

"By the way I'm Kayano Kaede" she said.

We walked through the classroom until we reached her seat. There were a couple more students sitting around.

"Everyone, [L/N]-chan will eat with us" Kayano announced.

"Oh, that's great"

"Now let me introduce them to you" she started. "She's Kanzaki Yukiko, he's Shiota Nagisa and he's Akabane Karma, but seems that you have already met, right?"

"Yeah, we are sitting next to each other now" I responded.

"Congratulations [L/N]-san, you did a good job earlier" Kanzaki said.

"Thank you very much"

"By the way [L/N]-san..." the boy with blue hair started.

"Oh wait, it's okay if you all call me by my first name" I said.

"So, call me by my name too" Nagisa, Kayano and Kanzaki said the same.

I smiled at them.

"Sorry for interrupting you, Nagisa-kun. What were you going to tell me?"

"Don't worry" he giggled. "I was just wondering if what you said earlier was truth"

"What are you talking about?" I asked as I didn't remember what I said.

"Right" Kayano said raising a finger. "You said that you aren't going to try to kill Koro-senseu again"

"Yeah. Did you... say it to make him lower his guard or you really meant it?" Nagisa continued. "I think you would be of much help here".

"I meant it" I said. "Well, I wouldn't try anything by myself, but if you want me to help you in a group attack or something, I can do that"

"Eh? [Y/N]-chan, you have really good skills and seems like you can come up with great plans. Arre you going to lose your chance to get the money?" Kanzaki asked.

"Haha, don't worry, I really don't want it" I let out a soft laugh. "I'm not interested in money"

Later, the boy who had stayed quiet until for a while, finally spoke.

"Say~ [Y/N]-chan, tell us why you got into class E" Karma said with a mischievous smile on his face. "I'm really curious"

Ugh, that's exactly the kind question I wanted to avoid.

Karma-kun... he seems like a really smart guy. Is there a chance that he figures out why I'm here?

Nah, no way.

"Karma-kun, maybe she doesn't want to talk about it" Nagisa said. "Some of the people in tgis class don't really want to remember the reasons why they are here".

I can't tell the truth, but I don't want to lie to them. I'll just skip details.

"It's okay" I said. "Well, my mother and the Principal are old friends. For different reasons I missed the first months of school, so he offered my mom to give me a spot so I don't miss the whole year"

Yeah, I think this make sense.

"He said that I would be placed in Class E because it will be unfair for the other students that competed for the spots if I get sorted to another class" I continued. "But I still had to take the entrance exam. I never knew my score thought and I didn't ask. I was happy that I got placed here".

"Hm~ people aren't usually happy when they get sent to this class, you know what people say about class E" Karma said. "You sure are a weird one"

"I am" I laughed. "I've... heard something, but that's just people who have never been here, what can they really know? If class E was that bad, I would judge it myself. So far, I'm having a really good time haha"

"Principal Asano asking for you to enroll in his school saying he wouldn't like for you to miss the year. Still he sent you to our class. That doesn't sound like something he'd normally do..." Karma said, thinking. "[Y/N]-chan, are there any hidden reasons why you are here?"

"What? Haha no way" I smiled nervously. "What reasons could there be? Hahaha..."

Please believe me.

The lunch break ended.

The bell finally rang and the rest of the class started taking their seats.

Oh thank you!

"Hm~ lunch is already over" Kayano said in a sad tone. "Well, let's talk more later".

Karma and I returned to our seats. When I took mine, he made a signal for me to lean over.

"I'll be waiting to hear more stories about [Y/N]-chan" he whispered and smiled innocently.

"S-Sure..." I said.

Being in Class E will be interesting

Old version notes (2015):

Hello, it's me (o^▽^o)ノ

I really want to apologize for not updating during this time but the thing is that I went to the beach since two weeks ago and I returned yesterday and I didn't have my laptop with me all that time (sorry >x<).

Anyway, here is the new chapter, it is a bit short but I'm planning to make a 'Chapter 2.1' and this one will be Karmas POV of the past events (yeii? xD).

Please vote and comment (if you want) and tell me you opinions about this story.

I'll update the next chapter later in the day.

Bye now (^▽^)/

Notes while editing (2019):
Omg this is so cringy. There's not much I can do about it except for rewriting it all, but that's much of a pain lol.

Say goodbye to ch 2.1 as I will take it down forever. It's just soooo bad.

I'll leave all the og A/N for you to cringe with me 😅😂

Mischievous Kiss [Karma x Reader] (Editing...)Where stories live. Discover now