Book 2: Chapter 53

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Nortis put an arm around Glacialis's shoulder.

"I will override his decision but as a participant in the game, I have no power on the rules. This is my opinion. I don't think it is necessary to take Basileus out to win. But if it is your decision to go against Agu, Lae, whoever at this moment, you know that I will always be fighting right along with you. And I promise that we will always be winners. Remember? brothers forever."

"Brothers." Glacialis said smiling, "Always and forever."

"Agu," Basileus called out. "Step aside."

There was murmur coming from all across the stadium.

"I don't want your help, I never asked for it and I don't need it." Basileus said.

"Oh shut the hell up!" Agu replied, "I am not Laetissimus. I am not Clementine. I take orders from no one. If you want to be some tough guy, then get come over here and defeat me."

It sounded like an almost sarcastic comment to Lae but clearly Basileus had a different interpretation. He staggered forward and fell to his knees. He got up again and began running, however, sluggishly towards Agu.

"What is that fool doing?" Glacialis asked. 

Basileus got to Agu and stretched out his hand pitifully in what looked like a punch. Agu dodged it easily and rammed his fist into his abdomen. Basileus groaned and fell on Agu's body. His head was literally leaning on Agu's chest and blood was coming from his mouth staining Agu's spotless uniform. Lae pitied the boy as Agu pushed him away and he staggered on the fall. Basileus forced himself to his feet yet again.

"Don't do something stupid." Agu said and walked away in what Lae assumed was an attempt to discourage any further attempt at a fight. If Basileus was going to drag on this fight they never found out as Glacialis was saying something again and he was looking at Lae,

"You're so pathetic you know that, right? Just look at how your teammates are abused and laid to waste. I have to give it to you though for pushing us to this point. But I have a question for you, Lae. Why? Why are you so obsessed with defeating me? All year you haunted me. I knew, I always knew. You hated me from day one, hated me the moment you saw me and why Lae, why? Because you thought I was affiliated with Nihilo? But Let me show you something..."

And all of a sudden, the aura came again. That Nihilo aura. Master Nihilo was in the building. Master Nihilo was close by, standing next to Lae. No, Master Nihilo was...


Master Nihilo's aura was emanating from Lae, himself.

What the hell was this?

It was a trick. It had to be.

"You are what you hate." Glacialis said with a smile. No one in the colosseum could possibly understand what was now taking place except these two. "Think about it. Who taunted Ironia, over a little joke? Who attacked her, and had friends break her will, try to suffocate her? Who attacked a junior because he taught they said bad things of their friends? Who abandoned and said they hated their teammates, never wanted to look in the face of their teamates again? Who went about attacking Ministers? Attacking someone who had never quite come to the house of Curie, throwing your weight about, picking friends who became bullies themselves. Who lived with Master Nihilo all their life and most likely subconsciously acquired the aura, the characteristics of Master Nihilo. No, Lae, you, not I, must be stopped. You are what we hate."

Lae couldn't believe it. The crowd roared for Glacialis.

"I will stop you Lae. That is my job in this school. Basileus is no angel. Given the power, he would be just as big a bully as anything. Clementine? well, we all know his history. And you think Rionne is an angel don't you? As an aside I know you think there is nothing going on between her and Jibunna. Just keep it in mind that he was here long before you came in. I was here as well. Remember how you felt when you realized she was out and about? Take that feeling, make it reality and multiply it a billion times. That is what your future with her will be. . ."

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