Chapter 8

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I had gotten a call from Rison. What he said shocked me.
R: Sara...
He said sobbing
S: What's up? Are you ok?
R: No. Kaycee thinks I'm cheating on her. She broke up with me.
S: Get your ass over here.
R: Ok. Thank you.
Kalin and I had never had a problem with cheating. So this was new to me. Kinda. I had been cheated on before Kalin. My boyfriend between Kalin and Rison. His name was Wesley. He cheated on me with a "friend" named Malia. About 10 minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. I instantly got up and told Kalin I would be right back, and that my friend from grade school is coming for the Bon fire. Kalin agreed and I let Rison in. Kalin and him talked for a while and the tension between them lessened. Kalin got defensive once but that was when we told him that we dated but then he chilled. "So your girl thinks you're cheating on her?" Kalin asked. "Yeah. When I told her I was going to a bon fire and she couldn't come, she assumed that I was going to chill with another girl. Well I guess technically I was but not in 'that way'" he finished. "That really sucks man. So you and Sara dated when?" Kalin was curious. "We dated when we were 12 and we cut it off when we were 14. We wanted to be friends, not date." I said. "And I only had one more boyfriend after that. Wesley. He cheated on me when we were 15 in my sophomore year. It was horrible." I said. Kalin got uncomfortable. "Babe, don't worry. I still love you." I said playfully. Rison got uncomfortable as well. "Well let's go chill outside?" He said. "Yeah." I said. We walked out. Gaby and Mondo were out in the pool. Em and Myles had their feet in the pool but Myles was about to throw Emilie in. He threw her in and she screamed. We all laughed. Gaby, Emilie and I later sat by the pool laying on out towels. "So are we inviting any other people?" Gaby asked. "Well, I was thinking of inviting Kenna and her new boyfriend Jake. Anyone else?" I asked. I pulled out my phone and started to text Kenna. But when I clicked it on I had a message. It was from Leah, Kalin's ex. I unlocked my phone to see the message. It read "battle of the exes I see...well all is fair in love and war" I started to freak out. I walked inside to call Kenna so it wouldn't be too loud. We had been playing music while Mondo, Rison, Kalin, and Myles made the burgers. I started to call but it went to voicemail. I went on Instagram and I saw Kenna post a picture of her with Malia, the girl who dated Rison after me, and cheated with Wesley. God how I hated her. I figured they were out doing something so I called Jake. He answered at the first ring. "Hey Jake is Kenna there?" I asked. "Yeah just a sec." He said. He passed the phone to her. "Yo Kenna why didn't you answer your phone?" I asked. "Oh, it's dead. Sorry. What's up?" She asked. "I'm having a bon fire and I want you and Jakey to come." I said. "Yeah sure. Is it cool if Malia comes too?" She asked. "Yeah whatever" I said irritably. "Why don't you like her?" Kenna asked. "She dated Rison and she dated Wesley while I was dating him. I really don't like her" I said. "Well you guys can work things out today. Be there in ten" she said. "K bye" and I hung up. I went out to tell the guys so they would make enough food and told them to expect like a thousand other people. They nodded and Mondo went out to get more hamburger meat. "Ok girlies. Kenna and Jake are coming but Malias coming too, so be nice and try not to get too mad at her." I said. This group of girls had supported me through the Rison and Wesley break up and we hated any bitches any of us hated, even if it was for one incident. Kenna was there too, but I met her later in life. I still think she's going to be my maid of honor still. Just as Mondo left, Jake, Kenna, and Malia arrived.
Authors note.....:
Another cliff hanger! What will happen at the bon fire? Will Malia and Sara duke it out for a final time? What about the text from Leah? Will Sara move up the wedding date to protect Kalin? Find out in next chapter!

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