Chapter 9 - A Heavenly Affair

Start from the beginning

Well, I'm not here to party tonight, I've got a mission, so I need to keep that as my number one priority.

Tiger is standing by the door with a drink in his hand when the seven of us approach the entrance to the party, his girlfriend Venus dancing next to him.

"Hello friends!" Tiger grins, giving us all giant hugs. I swear I felt something cool spill down the back of my neck, great. Someone has already spilt alcohol on me.

Tiger, despite already being drunk, looks amazing. With his dirty blonde hair perfectly pushed back, and his flawless chiselled chest out on full display, as he's already in his shorts. He flashes us all an impeccable smile.

He points to Tauren, Ashlyn, Macy and I, "Hot, hot, hot, hot! Come in ladies!" and then to the three guys, "Jock, jock, jock. Good on ya, come enjoy the festivities lads!"

Once inside the house, I rapidly lose the rest of the group I arrived with. Tauren and Macy went off somewhere, Luca disappeared to find Selina and I have no idea where Ash, Lyke or Andrew are.

Perfect, just perfect.

I begin to scan the room, getting pushed about by the people around me as they sway in time to the throbbing house music that Tiger is blasting over his state of the art sound system.

I need to get out of this house and find somewhere to breathe. Or at least find Laura and Callia.

I begin to weave through the teens in my road and walk down the large marble staircase in the mansion, before heading out into the ground floor deck, where the infinity pool begins.

Only to run into Selina.

"Amber! How are you?" She grins, her arms wrapped around a boy I've never met. She's looking gorgeous, as per usual. With her wavy blonde hair cascading over her shoulders, dressed in heels and a pearly pink bikini.

I smile at her, "Great thanks." Although it's obvious she doesn't care, she's just too busy trying to dance with the boy she's with.

"Hey, uh, how are you feeling, since what happened on Monday?" I ask. I mean, she was in bed with a killer headache like Ashlyn and I, clearly, something changed in her too.

She looks at me, "WHAT? I don't know what you're going on about! Babe, kiss me!"

She turns away from me and pulls the boy dancing with her into a lip-lock, ignoring my question.

Note to self: Keep an eye on Selina too.

"Ah, there you are! I knew you'd be down here."

I turn around to find Laura standing behind me. A cocktail in one hand and the other placed on her hip.

Her straight brown hair has been pulled up into a high pony tail and she's wearing a lilac one piece swimsuit.

I smile at her, "Hey!"

Of course, she knew I'd be down here...

She laughs, "Haha, what?"

I sigh, "Laura, I think we need to talk."

She shrugs, "Why can't we just talk here?"

I motion to all the students surrounding us, That's why.

If she can read my thoughts, she'll hear that.

She does, and the two of us walk off the balcony and around to the large garden surrounding the Berwick's mansion. Like the rest of the place, the garden is stunning. Filled with marble statues, water features, a small stream running out to the surrounding ocean, and towering emerald green hedges, it's like a wonderland.

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