Chapter 4

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"Okay, class," Sue started. "Normally, I would wait to go into the history and classifications of werewolves, but as we find ourselves in the presence of one," she looked to Rachel, "I thought we should do it earlier in the semester. Any objections?"

When no one spoke up, she continued. "Okay, we will start with the history of werewolves. The thing about werewolves is that they were once human. Once being the operative word. Many years ago in a country known at the time as Transylvania, group of people became willingly possessed by a demon. This demon killed their human body and because of that they can no longer be in the presence of sunlight. These demons, now known as vampires, drink the blood of human beings to survive in their undead state. Vampires all originated from the same area of Transylvania, but ironically none of the humans that lived in that area were killed by them. No, instead the vampires went after the gypsies and other town folks from other areas. Well, the gypsies didn't take to kindly to that fact, so they cursed those human town folks.

They noticed that wolves were one of the few creatures that could kill these vampires. But, just turning those humans into wolves would be too easy; it wouldn't be torturous enough for them. So, they also put the demon that lived in the vampires in them. So they would have dueling natures in them. So, werewolves aren't human, not anymore. They are part wolf and part demon. And one hundred percent dangerous. But, we'll get to that a little later.

Now, there are two classifications of werewolves and they are what are referred to as mutts and purebreds. A mutt is a werewolf that was bitten. A purebred is werewolf that born a werewolf. They are typically more powerful than mutts because they born into it. However, there is a distinction in purebred werewolves. The purebreds that are descendants of the original werewolves in Transylvania are referred to as feral. They are most powerful werewolves and they are in charge of the packs. They are to keep the other werewolves in check and deal with the vampires. And the government does support this. There are currently six feral werewolf packs, but there used to be a lot more. Because of that other packs inherited some larger territory. This is why Ohio is part of the northeast pack. Rachel's pack if I'm not mistaken. Am I?"

"No," the brunette alpha stated.

"Now this goes without saying," the teacher continued, "but without training and control, the more powerful the werewolf, the more dangerous he or she is. And the danger ironically does not come from the wolf, it comes from the demon. The demon is a blood drinker and its favorite prey is human. The wolf is not that picky. Now I'm going to put on a video that proves my point." She pulled the TV to the center of the room and popped a DVD in. "This is a werewolf. Yes, they look like normal wolves. Now, in this case the werewolf is not controlling itself, which is why it is in a cage. Now, in a second, a window will open with a piece of beef. See how the werewolf immediate runs over to it and starts eating. Now, in another second, a drop of human blood is released in the corner. Watch the werewolf." Immediately on the screen the werewolf's eyes glowed as it rushed towards the scent of the blood, growling and snarling when it found no meat.

"Without control, I werewolf will always go for the human, even if it has an acceptable meal in front of it." With that the bell rang. "Read chapter 8 tonight," Sue said as students started to file out of the room.

When the room emptied out, Rachel approached the older secret werewolf. "So for whose benefit was that? Theirs or mine?"

"Mostly yours. We are dangerous creatures, Rachel."

"You think I don't know that," the brunette demanded. "I'm an alpha. I'm powerful. And I changed earlier than anticipated. My first night, I stumbled upon a guy trying to rape a woman in the park. I killed and ate him while she escaped. Police found me and found out what I did and the only reason I didn't get put down like they do to any dangerous puppy was because the girl went to the police and told them what happened. But, you can't tell me that had that girl not escaped as I chomped on her attacker that I wouldn't have eaten her too."

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