Chapter 1 | The Authority's Rules

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Alix's POV

I sat back in the Diva's locker room, carefully lacing up my boots then running a hand gently through my hair. I slowly began to raise my head back up only to be met with multiple cheerful smiles from the group of Diva's standing around me. Some were dressed in their street attire where as others were already in their ring gear.

Everyone was still at a loss of energy from yesterdays biggest event of the summer, or more simply "SummerSlam". It was huge and such a great event, I didn't get the opportunity to take part in any matches or anything but I still got that rush of excitement. The only thing that ticked me off was the fact that Randy Orton had cashed in his Money In The Bank contract as soon as Daniel Bryan had successfully defeated John Cena in a match for the WWE Championship. I knew that my father had planned it all out so Randy could take the win seeing as how he didn't hesitate as guest referee to allow Randy the match.

I inhaled a breath then quickly exhaling as I turned my head to Brie who was now staring at me with a rather curious look. She then sat down beside me as I ran my hand through my hair then pulling it up into a sort of half-up half-down style.

"Alix!" She exclaimed, her facial expression quickly changing from confused to somewhat delighted.

I let out a chuckle as she went in and hugged me from the side

"How is Daniel holding up?" I questioned, I was expecting a huge sigh to come out of Brie but instead she just nodded with a smile.

"He's alright, But well, he is doing a segment with Stephanie later on tonight." Brie clutched the back of her neck with her hand, shaking her head with eyebrows furrowed.

"So, do you have anything going on for you tonight?" Brie asked as she adjusted her cropped top.

Before I could open my mouth there was a light knock on the locker room door. I stood up and brushed off my white jeans, heading toward the door.

I peeked my head around the door and saw a young crew member standing there, giving me a small smile as he let out a quick sigh.

"Stephanie McMahon and Triple H would like to see you in their office, Alix." They spoke firmly and quite maturely that I had to try my hardest to hold back a laugh from escaping my lips.

"Sorry Brie, family calls I guess." I sighed and shook my head.

"It's alright, you probably shouldn't keep your mother waiting, if we kept you any longer she'd have all of our heads." Brie brushed her hair behind her shoulders.

I headed down the backstage area but I just couldn't seem to get the fact that Randy had clearly taken advantage of Daniel when he was at his worst off of my mind. Daniel deserved that championship, sure Randy was considered to be the next big thing in WWE but how low can you stoop, using cheating tactics to screw Daniel over. I soon snapped out of my thoughts as I hit a large body. I then tilted my head upwards to see CM Punk standing there, chuckling down at me.

"Punk!" I exclaimed as we gave each other a quick fist pound.

"Watch where you're going, kid." He shook his head as I crossed my arms with a pout appearing on my lips.

"I didn't mean it, you just had to interrupt my thoughts."Punk laughed as he ruffled my hair.

"I'm sure you're thoughts were entertainingly evil to some extent." I nodded, a smirk appearing across my lips then tilting my head.

"You know me well." I clapped sarcastically as he nodded.

"Listen, I gotta run. So i'll see you later?" My head then returning to it's original state.

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