"So girls today is my last fitting for my wedding dress, would you girls like to come with?" she asked me, Avery, Chels, and my grandma. We all agreed and piled into her big SUV. It took only about ten minutes to get to the dress shop.

Katherine's dress is very simple. It is a mermaid style with beaded jewels on top and a pretty light pink ribbon around the waist.

"So girls what do you think?" she asked turning to me and my friends

"It looks really pretty. Like the dress was made for you." I replied smiling 

"It looks gorgeous!" Avery exclaimed

"Very stunning." added Chelsea

"Good now I am only having three bridesmaids. Lynn of course and my best friend since high school Stacy." Katherine explained

"That's only two who is the third one?" I asked confused

"Well Chase it would mean a lot to me if you would be my third bridesmaid. I know we hardly know each other but I think it is a nice idea." she asked me. I looked from my friends to my grandma who were all giving me smiles.

"Yeah sure. That sounds fun." I replied as Katherine squealed and gave me a huge bone crushing hug. After releasing I got led into another room to try on the dress. It was yellow and white ombre with sleeves. If you ask me these colors do not fit for a winter wedding.

"Wow it fits you like a glove." Avery said 

"Thanks." I mumbled

"Look I know this is hard for you but at least she is making an effort." Avery said gently

"Yeah Avery is right. Look at it this way she could have been a bitch like the step mom in Cinderella." Chelsea added

"I know this is all just too weird for me because I can't get out of my mind that she did break up my parents' marriage. And Lynn doesn't even talk." I explained 

"She just seems shy. Just give her time." Avery told me

Katherine and my grandma dropped us off back at the mansion because those two were going out to lunch.

"So what is there to do for fun around here?" I asked Lynn

"Go shopping, movies, parties. But those things get old fast." she explained

"Do you do any sports at school?" I asked her

"No but I am student body president though. You do cheerleading right?"

"Yeah I am the captain of the team along with Avery and Chels." I explained

She just nodded before walking upstairs to her room.

"Okay I made an effort but she sort of did and than just walks upstairs. What the fuck?" I asked just as the boys all came through the door

"Where is my Dad and grandpa?" I asked confused

"They had their tux appointments. The more important question is where is your smoking hot soon to be sister?" Drew asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Okay first of all ew. And second of all you're either on Team Chase or Team Lynn. And nobody wants to be on Team Lynn because their captain is a big whore!" I huffed before stomping off to the kitchen

"Woah what is with the attitude dude? What did she ever do to you?" Austin asked following after me

"I have been making an effort with her all morning and she just gives me bland answers and than locks herself up in her bedroom." I said annoyed

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