That Sinking Feeling...

Start from the beginning

"What is this? And these pills?"

Then the submarine shook, causing both girls to lose their footing. "Sarah, Clara!"

"Doctor!" The TARDIS also decided that she didn't want to be here, dematerialising in front of us as Sarah and Clara fell over into the water on the floor as I was restrained. 



I remembered hitting the water and then the water blacking out, the light of the sonic showing me my pills hitting the bottom of the water. Then I woke up, Clara next to me doing the same as I got to my feet, pulling the Doctor's jacket around me, my head still swimming. "All right, Captain, all right. You know what? Just this once, no dissembling, no psychic paper, no pretending to be an Earth Ambassador. Doctor, me, my girlfriend/partner Lady Sarah and Clara, time travellers. Sarah, Clara, you okay?" He asked, seeing us and pulling me into a hug before checking me over.

"Think so." We both nodded, while the others were completely shell shocked over the idea of time travel. "We arrived here out of thin air. You just saw it happen." I told them, my Scottish accent hopefully translating across to them. I'd hate to be considered just an English girl.

A guy put his hand up. "I didn't."

"Your problem, mate, not ours." The Doctor told him, his arms still protectively around me as Clara frowned.

"We were sinking." He nodded. "What happened?"

That seemed pretty obvious. "We sank, little Dove."

"No, what happened to the TARDIS, I mean."

The Doctor looked sheepish for a fraction of a second before shaking his head. "Never mind that. Listen. Captain, breath's precious down here. Let's not waste it, eh?"

"You're right. Maybe I can save a little oxygen by having you all shot!" The Captain told us, and I ran my hand through my damp hair, sighing.

"What does it matter how we arrived? The important thing is to get-" I went quieter as I spoke, hearing something breathing very, very loudly. "Out."

My Lord grinned, not hearing it. "Exactly! Number one priority, not suffocating." We all turned, apart from him, seeing the massive thing that was staring at us and Zhukov released the Doctor. "Eh? Ah. Oh, thank you. Finally seeing sense. Now, what sort of state is the sub in?"

The creature was directly behind the Doctor, and we were still staring. "Doctor, my Dove."

"What about the radio? Can we send a-"


He finally snapped to what was going on around us. "What!" There was a hiss of gas as I took his hand. "What is that? Gas? Could be gas." I turned him and he looked up at the creature. "Ah. It never rains but it pours."

Someone behind us spoke up. "We were drilling for oil in the ice. I thought I'd found a mammoth."

The Doctor shook his head. "It's not a mammoth."


"What is it, then?" I asked him, squeezing his hand tight as we were all still staring.

"It's an Ice Warrior." He replied, kissing mine. "A native of the planet Mars. And we go way back. Way back." Why did they sound familiar?

The Captain stared between us and the Warrior. "A Martian? You can't be serious."

He feigned offence. "I'm always serious." I raised my eyebrows at him. "With days off."

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