help from runaways&&enemies

Comenzar desde el principio

"Yes,now can I please leave I'm kinda of in a rush okay?"I told him and quickly walked away.

"But za-"i heard but then his voice soon drifted away.

I didn't what to do,i didn't know what to say.I was scared of what was coming next.

I decided to go back the the mansion and have a chat with Justin when his done with the operation.

I walked for a while and soon decided to go back home.

As I was walking to my car i saw someone circling it.

I cleared my throat causing the person to look up and then I saw who it was. "Zayn "he said smiling."Austin.Austin Mahone?"I looked at him putting my hand in my inside pocket getting my gun out "You are suppose to be dead"I told him.

"You see Zayn,there are things in this world that you will never understand... "He said walking closer to me and i clenched the gun tighter. "I know you getting your gun out, I'm not here to kill you... Actually I'm here to help you "He said stepping back.

I left my gun on its original place Nd listened to what this guy that I killed a few years ago who Magically cane back to life has to say."And how so?"I said this time reaching into my pocket for my car keys.

"I know about Summer and Madison and i have a perfect way to kidnap them back"he said as I was walking towards the car.

"How do I know you not going to kill me?"I asked him unlocking the car.

"Because I'm not like you who holds grudges for fucking forever,Zayn that's in the past...believe me."He said stopping me before I could enter.

"Just...let me help"he pleaded.

"Fine,but we need to act fast "I told opening the car door.

"Yes"he said.

"I need you to come with me to my Mansion to figure out a plan to get them back okay?"I told him getting into the car and he nodded in agreement

We had a silent journey back and he finally said something but he kinda just gasped at my huge Mansion.

We got inside and i schedule a meeting with all the guards and Niall in the meeting room.

"Okay so we need to get my girls back and Austin says he knows how."I started of the meeting.

He stood up and i sat down listening to his plan."Okay,I've worked in Chris's Mansion and there is a few underground entries... We go through there while Zayn keeps him company by doing some kind of deal but...we need someone distracting the security because they would not allow any of Zayns men in "he said.

"I think I know someone"I suggested.

"His kind of Summer's brother, Seth. "I said and Austin began nodding.

"Cool,get his number and tell him us here...if you want to save these girls we have to walk quick before Chris does something that we all don't want to happen."Austin ended off.

"Phone in the city council and get Seth Hathaway's number. "I said and everyone left quickly except Austin and I.

He sat down next me and everything became awkward.

"don't worry,we will get them... "he said and i didn't answer.



It was around 3pm and we got Seths number and he arrived at my Mansion.

Everyone was in the the meeting room and he entered awkwardly.

He sat down and Austin stood up to explain lain the procedure. "Seth,your sister and her friend has been kidnapped by Lord Chris and we need your help to get her back."he said.

"W-what?kidnapped? You need my help?"he said through his crackling voice.

"Please Seth, do it for Summer"I pleaded.

"B-but"he mumbles.

"She hasn't seen you in forever and if you do this maybe she will forgive you"Austin jumped in.

"Fine, so what's the plan? "He said finally joining in.

"We need you to distract the security while Zayn is having a meeting with Chris to distract him and the rest of us go underground to find Summer and Madison"He said the plan and Seth began to nod.

"Okay cool when will this happen?"he asked.

"Tonight. "

That was news to me because I didn't know we going to so it tonight.

"Tonight?will Chris meet me tonight?"I asked very quickly.

"I already phoned to tell him...Zayn everything done now we just need the plan to work out and you will have your girls back by midnight."he said.

"Wait,are we letting Justin help?"I asked quickly.

"The more guys we have the easier, so ya he cab help"He said.

Justin's POV

I came out of a successful operation and a half an hour later zayn entered my room.

"What you want zayn?"I asked him.

"You helping.You not going to sit and do nothing."he said and began to walk out again.

Before I could answer he was gone.


What do you think about Austin?

What do you think about Seth?

Please vote and comment..

I'm so sorry for the mistakes, crappy i know but hey I'm cool haha jokes you cool my little people pink unicorns :)

I like pink

What's your favourite colour? Larl random...

Thanx hunnybunch xx

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