anger issues or love issues?

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Justins POV

Everytime Summer goes out with Zayn they come home later than I always expect. I began to drink because of the worry.I drank a few vodka shots and then drank Vodka by itself which made me extremely drunk.

The meeting was simple, just some crap about slaves and there behaviour. Thought it was important. I had to leave Summer and she is late for god sake.

Summer came walking in the door and i was standing there like a fool waiting for her.

"Where the hell have you been?"I asked angrily.

"Chill,Zayn took me sight seeing and we went to eat at place and we kinda spoke about things for a while "she told me laughing and Zayn entered behind her.

"Oh,till one i see. Summer i left you with Zayn at 7:30 at its fucking one! "I shouted a bit louder.

"Justin..."Summer stood there not saying anything. I became more furious. "You should of came earlier home.I was worried sick about you and this bastard! "I told her

"You didn't give me a time and zayn is big enough to take care of me "she argued back

"Should i fucking give you a time.I own you and you should know you should be home early,i don't give two fucks about him being able to take care of you! You are my responsibility Summer not his! .Stop playing fucking dumb and just get out of my fucking sight."I shouted at her and could feel my body becoming tense and red because off the anger.

"Mate, there's no need to shout"Zayn defended her.

"What's your fucking problem, Zayn? Actually i don't want to and Summer to be friends "I said pushing zayn out.

"Fuck NO Justin! Zayn and i are close friends! "Summer punched me and pulled Zayn back inside.

"Like i give a fuck about your silly friendship "I said.

"Hey,Justin becareful! I have a higher status than you and that's not the way to speak to a lady"Zayn walked closer to me.

"Says the fucking slave owner who probably fucks someone everynight to please himself "I shouted back at him

"Justin, stop this or else I'm taking Summer to my place! "he demanded

"Take her, if she doesn't listen then I don't want this filthy whore in my home"I stumbled upon my words

Summers eyes began to tear up."JUSTIN MATE, DONT YOU DARE CALL SUMMER A WHORE OR ELSE YOU WILL FUCKING ROT IN A ROOM WHERE NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU SCREAM OF THE PAIN THAT I CAN CAUSE YOU!"Zayn snapped at me.I saw the anger in his eyes and the tears in Summers

Zayns POV

I was about to punch Justin but I didn't want to hurt him in his own home

"Summer,get your things...We staying at my place for a few days"I told her.she nodded.

She ran upstairs and i decided to wait in the car.

Justin's POV

I ran upstairs to Summer's room and saw her packing her things."Summer, don't go"I pleaded standing by the door. "Oh sorry Justin i can't stay because I'm just a filthy whore."She said reminding me what I called her earlier on causing my body to create guilt. "I'm sorry, just why leave with Zayn when we could sort things out"

Summer stayed silent and just kept on packing.

"why? Do you like zayn or something? "I asked her.

"I don't know, ask Madison. You guys look cute together don't you think?"she said sarcasticly.

"Madison is a great girl,she respects me unlike you! But I dont love her the way i love you"I told her the truth.

She walked towards him and pushed me out of the way. "You reek like alcohol,why the fuck did you drink?"she said giving me a dirty look"I was worried about you "I told her sincerely. "Why worry about a filthy whore hey? "whilst she walked away.

"Summer!"I called her but she didn't listen"Summer!"I shouted again which made her walk faster. "Summer"I called her for the third time probably sounding like an idiot. "The fuck,leave me alone!"Summer turned around and shouted at me."Fine, just say hi to Madison for me"I said trying to make her jealous. "Fine!"she said and not a second later she was out the door

Summer's POV

I got into Zayns car wiping my tears away.I "You okay?"Zayn asked taking my hand."Yeah,his just drunk "I said defending Justin.

"You'll be fine by me okay? "Zayn said and started the car. I nodded and he drove off.

The car ride was silent and that moment when he called me a whore was on replay in my head. Justin never ever disrespected me like that. What got into him.

We got to Zayns Mansion.

As we entered i saw Zayns eyes fall onto mine."Everyone is in the rooms, Niall lock up at 10:00.You can stay in mine if you like?"he suggested.

I didn't want to cause trouble or anything at Zayns home.I knew nobody here besides him and Maddy."Isit okay if I said I would like to stay at maddy?"I asked him shyly."No not at all, follow me"he said.

We got to Madisons room. Zayn took out a set of keys and unlocked the door. He opened without even knocking.

If he had to do that to me i would of been mad with him because privacy is all that I really care about in this lifetime I'm living

He turned on the light exposing Madison cuddled up in her bed. "Madison "Zayn said with his thick Bradford accent.

Madison struggled to opened her eyes but managed. "mm?"she manage to say."Summer?"she said as her eyes widened.

"Hey"I smiled at her.

"Summer's staying for the night and i wondered if it's okay if she stayed here?"Zayn asked

"Yes sure, leave her bags over there "she pointed to A chair next her bed

I sat on her bed a began to cry."Summer?"she said and her arms were around me within seconds.I needed a girl to Comfort me.It's always just been boys even though I live in a place full of girls but they don't understand what I'm going through.

"Madison, i know he doesn't mean it but it still hurts"I told her through my waterfall of tears.

"Who,Summer?"she asked curiously moving closer to me.

"Justin,he called me a filthy whore"I told her whilst looking into her eyes.

"J-justin?"she said standing up.

"Yip,and he says hi"I told her and tried to stop crying.

"Oh"she said with her hands on her head.

"Are you okay?"I asked her

"Justin called you a filthy whore?why would say that?"she asked me.

"He was drunk i guess,oh and he thinks you a great girl."I told her trying to cheer up when I'm the one needing cheering up.

"Oh, so you started with the plan?"Madison mood changed immediately when i told her this.

"Yip,he says that you respect him and shit"I told her.She jumped up into the sky."Omg"she shrieked

"Amazing right?"I told her.

"Ya!"she said getting into bed.

"I'm tired,im going to go sleep "I told her getting under the blankets because I was tired talking about Justin.

"Night "she said. She stood up and went to put the light off. She came back I'm bed and i fell asleep straight after that.

A/N The plan is kinda of working i see.

Please guys vote and comment.I need inspiration and that is votes :) you guys are amazing people and i think amazing people can a small favour by voting for my book :)

I am adding new members in the book soon.Try to guess who I'm adding.

2 from 5SOS...
1 mystery guy....

Thanx hunnypies :)

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