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February 23, 2015

Dear J,

this would be the last letter I will write to you.

and if you don't respond, then it means you really don't care anymore.

I will always be sorry for what I have done.

flashing lights in my mind
going back to the time
playing games in the street
kicking balls with my feet

there's a numb in my toes
standing close to the edge

there's a pile of my clothes
at the end of your bed

as I feel myself fall
make a joke of it all

I know you always tell me to 'keep my head up', 'be positive', and stuff; but with this situation, I don't think I can.

J, I miss you.

please, don't be like this.

please stop ignoring me.

please respond.


can we go back to the way it was before?

can we be the J and S we were back then?

I don't know anymore.

thought we would never be separated.

I'm not ready to say our last goodbye.

I will never be ready for that.

and if that moment comes, I wouldn't say 'goodbye'.

because saying goodbye means going away; and going away means forgetting.

and I don't want to forget you just yet.

I don't want to let you go; and I don't want you to let me go.

I will never give up on you.


we can work on this.

we can go back to way things used to be.

but after everything I have said; there is only one thing I need to say, and that is:


I'm sorry for stealing your cupcake.

please forgive me,


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