Chap. 03: Job

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"See you later after my shift?" Emma asked once she and Kat reached the Quad where they were to separate ways.

Kat nodded, placing her earphones on. "I'll be at the library. Pick me up?"

Emma nodded. Her friend had a thing for forgetting the time once she starts up on a good book. She was sure if Kat could, she would spend the rest of her days indoors, quietly reading a good read.

Both girls were about to part ways, but Emma remembered a thought, and stopped.


The wallflower stopped and looked back at her, her expression waiting.

"You know I wouldn't mind if you tried making more friends, right?"

Kat looked disgruntled.

Emma raised her hands in the air. "Just sayin'! You aren't the only wallflower at school, y'know. I've heard of a few others, heck I've heard of one of them dating a heartthrob!"

Kat shook her head. "Emma, we're not having this discussion again. I told you, I'm perfectly happy with just you, so can we just drop it?"

Her shoulder's dropped. "Okay..."

Kat's smile was small. "You don't have to worry about me, you know. I appreciate it, but now just isn't the time for my social debut."

Emma laughed.

Kat smiled wider.

"And people tell me I'm funny."


Emma looked over at her friend, and for the briefest moment, she saw a little girl with long, brown hair as straight as hers, standing alone with a face unnoticeable at first, but once looked close enough upon, would be seen fairly pretty. She wore a thin white jacket suitable for the coming summer season, and her wrists were lightly adorned with multiple bracelets, her hands were busy writing on her notebook about something. Her cold gray eyes as though into a world different from her own.

A moment later, another girl walked toward her, long black hair as straight as dull, her face plain but friendly, her brown eyes warm and kind.

The cherub Kat looked up at the young Emma, and smiled, her gray eyes coming out of her world and growing warmer, as though like a cool, morning fog.

Emma smiled at Kat, the memory passing, and nodded.

Both girls waved goodbye, and separated.

Kat was such a dear, sweet, loveable, beautiful friend, Emma thought. Oh how she would worry for her most times.


The class clown girl looked toward the voice that called her name, and saw a redhead walking toward her. She smiled lazily and waved as greeting. "Angelena!"

"Off to work?"

Angelena Bennett was one of her batch mates, a hipster so to say, who kept a sociable aura around her. Though most times, she would hang out with boys, a tomboy despite her girly outfits, Emma seemed to have been one of her few exceptions to socialize with.

Emma nodded. "My shift's about to start. You gonna grab your usual later?"

Angelena nodded. "Get it ready for me, 'kay?"

"You got it."

Emma continued down the slate path she took as Angelena went up it.

DDA was a very big school for a high school, with acres and acres of land reaching all about to house its five departments and four year levels. Each student, upon taking the entrance exams, would be graded into graphs that would show their talents, interests, and preferences. Each graph would identify with their hangout, in layman's terms. With whatever graph showed one's best at would be where the student would end up being associated with, though only few actually use such identification if they weren't very big on hanging out at school.

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