"He knows," I mouthed to her as footsteps echoed off the porch.

She shook her head. "He doesn't," she mouthed back.

"He freakin' does," I whispered out loud. There were three sharp raps at the door.

For a second, neither of us moved. Then she got up from her chair and started towards the door.

I grabbed her wrist before she could go any farther, causing her to look at me in irritation. "You are going to blow your own cover, he knows what you are." I whispered harshly.

"He doesn't, nobody would believe it,"she whispered back.

"You'd be surprised, people are starting to as other vampires go berserk during feeding time."

"And we have to suffer because of them?"

"Maybe you should ask them nicely to stop," I snapped sarcastically in a low voice.

We started whispering over each other angrily, trying to get our own point across to one another yet not at all hearing what the other was saying.

Until Mark's voice rose from behind the door. "Penny, are you in there? I can hear whispering..."

My head snapped to look at Penny. "Stall," I mouthed slowly. She nodded and went to open the door.

Mark was standing there, dressed in a suit that made him look slightly better than usual. His dirty blonde hair was even neatly brushed back.

I raised my brow. Does he want to impress my aunt or what?

"Hey, Penny." He smiled at her, not moving from the porch. His blue-green eyes landed on mine. "Rose."

"Mark," I acknowledged blankly, crossing my arms. "A little early, aren't you?"

He took his hands out of his pockets. "Well, I thought we could get a head start and take the best seats in the restaurant before they're all taken." He looked at Penny again.

I knew she was forming a plan to stall him, and as her eyes lit up I knew it wasn't good. At least not to me.

"Come here." She grinned and pulled him in by his tie before shutting the door. Then she slipped her hand around his neck, pulling his head lower so she could cover his mouth with hers.

I soundlessly gagged.

Unsurprisingly, Mark—as a very doggish guy—immediately responded and wrapped his arm around her waist.

Ah, Geez.

I covered my eyes and turned around, but I decided against interrupting them. It seemed like an effective way of stalling him anyway; the sun had completely set.

I didn't really blame Mark for being such a hormonal guy; Penny was gorgeous with her long silvery-blonde hair, dark sapphire eyes, slender figure and a pair of long legs. Today she was showing them off in her knee-length red dress, accompanied with red stilettos. And for some reason, guys love heels on a woman.

"A little warning next time would be great," I mumbled sarcastically.

I heard laughing from behind me and I turned to see them looking at each other with such joy in their eyes. It looked like they really loved each other, even if Mark was suspicious. It was a mutual love.

My eyes unintentionally saddened as I stared at their genuine attraction towards one another with envy. I never went for any human because vampire-human relationships just don't work for me. I wouldn't turn them either, it was not like I was into any one of them anyway.

After they finally drove away, I suddenly didn't want to go outside anymore. I'd have more fun watching a Disney movie, like The Lion King.

Once I slipped the disk in, I plopped down on the fluffy couch and grabbed the remote. That is, before I heard knocking on the door again.

I sighed and went to answer it. "Did you forget your purse again, Pen—" I stopped, then frowned as I found no one there.

I glanced back inside for a second before closing the door. Just as I turned around, there were three more knocks.

I shook my head and quickly opened the door again. Nothing.

Then for a third time, the knocking started again.

I tried to ignore it this time, but it continued restlessly for about twenty more seconds. I gritted my teeth and swung the door open.

No one.

I stupidly stepped over the threshold and outside into the cold night, exposing myself to the potential dangers as I scanned through dark for anyone or anything out of place. I even sniffed the air, but there was no scent.

That was odd, everything gives off a scent. It couldn't have diffused that quickly.

I stayed there for a minute more to see if they'd come back, then with one last look behind me I went back inside.

And the knocking stopped.



 Alright guys, this is my first story so please don't mind if it's a little.....weird. Please comment, vote, follow and keep reading! I promise I'll make it as interesting as I can!

 Also, I'd like to give a special thanks to InfinitelyBeau for giving me ideas and enough confidence to start writing. Love you all!!

Unmasked | Book 1 in "Dark Descendants" (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now