Chapter 16

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Mrs. Hartley

I was up and ready while Eric was in the shower getting dressed. I decided to get the girls up. When I walked into their rooms what I saw was the cutest thing. They were all cuddled up together. "Aww." I pull out my phone and took a quick photo waking Kiara up. "Moooooom" she groaned putting the pillow over her head. I couldn't help but laugh. I walked over to her and started tickling her. "Mom stoopp!!" She laughed. "Are you going to get up?" I said still tickling her. She laughed no. "Well okay then I guess I'll keep tickling." "Okay okay I'm!" She laughed. I stopped and smiled at her. We both looked at Tatiana and smiled at each other. Next thing you know we was tickling Tatiana. "Ahhh leave me alone!!" She said laughing and ended up falling off the bed. Kiara and I bust out laughing. She gave us a stern look which causes us to laugh even harder. "That's it!" She jumped on us making us all fall onto the bed. We lay there laughing. I love my kids to death!
"Okay okay, go get dressed it's time for breakfast and you Aunt and cousins will be here shortly." I said getting up. They both said okay and I headed out to help prepare for breakfast.

Kiara POV

"Hurry up in there!!!" I said waiting for what seem like 2hrs waiting for her to get out the shower. "Ugh fine." She walked out the bathroom with a towel wrap around her. "You can go in now." She said walking toward the dresser to find something to wear. "Finally." I mumble under my breath. I took a warm shower, washed my face, and brush my teeth, and walked out the bathroom. I changed into some white shorts, with a plain baby blue high-low top, putting on my baby blue vans. I put my hair in a ponytail with a white bow. I added a little makeup on and put some lip gloss on. I exit the room and into the kitchen where everyone was at. I sat in a chair next to Tati. Tati had a cute sundress on, hair in a side braid, wearing here cute sandals. "Good morning girls!" Grandma said handing us a plate filled with bacon, eggs, susages, and chocolate chip pancakes and a glass of orange juice. "Good morning." Tati and I both said and dug into our breakfast.

~~~~~~~~~~~Aunt Martha arrival~~~~~~~~~~

Aunt Martha came and she was excited to meet me. She brought her kids, my cousins Amy she's 13 and Junior he's 4 months old. She let me hold him and he was the cutest baby I ever saw. Me and Amy got along quick. We was in our room playing hide and seek and junior was on the floor playing with my phone, just to keep him busy. And the grown ups in the living room enjoying theirselves. "I got you!" I said tagging Tati. "Ugh, you got me." I sat down by baby junior and Tati and Amy join me. "Hey, let's go out!" Amy suggested. "Yeah!" I said getting tired of staying in the house. "I'll go ask mom and dad to take us out somewhere." Tati said running out the room and 15 minutes later running back in. "Let's go girls!" Tati said making me and Amy jump up. We all laughed. I grabbed and carry baby Junior to Aunt Martha sense he was sleep. "You girls tired him out." Aunt Martha said while we just laughed knowing we probably bored him to death.
"Okay girls let's go!" My yelled running out the door. We ran after her and climb into the car. Just us girls. We went to the park first. Instead of us on the swing swinging we were all pushing mom. It was funny. We stayed a couple of minutes and headed out to the mall to do some shopping.

Mr. Hartley POV

While the girls were gone doing god knows what, me and my sister and parents caught up. Martha had to go, I could tell she was upset so I told her I see her before we head out tomorrow early in the morning and sense Amy was gone with Danielle and the girls she could stay over. She smiled and gave me a big hug. I said goodbye to my little nephew and wave while they drove off. "Eric dear can you come help set up dinner?" My mom asked as I shut the door. "Coming!" I said as I walk toward the kitchen to help.


I was having a great time with my aunt and cousins and Kiara she's the best! I'm glad she was found. We went the park, the mall, we went to get ice cream, and then we took a walk just talking. Aunt Danielle said it was time to go, so we left and is now heading back.

Kiara POV

We had a blast. We finally arrived and headed back inside. "Where's my mom?" Amy ask dad when he saw us walking in. "She said you could stay the night." We squealed. Mom and dad laughed at us. "Okay dinner time!" Called grandpa from the kitchen. While we ate me and Tati and Amy went on and on about our day. It was finally nap time, so me and the girls slept in my bed watching movies and enjoying our time together. I'm going to miss this place.

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