She Chose Jax

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Daniel's POV:

... She chose Jax. I can't believe it. I was sure she would've chosen me. I just can't. I broke down, got down on my knees and cried. I cried for a good 2 hours. It's just that we have had so many memories together and well- I thought we belonged together. By the time I stopped crying, it was 6 and my mom called us for dinner. I went to the kitchen to tell my mom I wasn't hungry.

D: Mom can I be excused. I'm not really hungry.
Mrs. M: Sure, but if you get hungry, you know where it is.
D: Thanks

I went up to my room and looked at the scrapbook Emma make for us. Just by looking at it, I cried. I cried so much I fell asleep.

Emma's POV:

I took his hand and we landed in the pool. I finally made my choice. It's Jax, it had been Jax. He's been there for me when Daniel wasn't- well he was under the seal by Mia, but when he was off the seal he was still hanging out with her. But Jax, he was always there for me, he didn't have to, but he did. And Jax changed for me. When we landed in the pool, we kissed Jax got out and pulled me up.

J: I was kind of scared for a second, I thought you were going to pick Daniel.
E: No way. You've been there for me, even though you didn't have to and-
J: Really?
E: Really

And then he kissed me. It just felt so right.

J: Why don't we do something. We can go to dinner, the beach, movies, anything.

You can hear him being really excited. I smiled at him.

E: You pick I'm done making choices for today.
J: Ok. Movies then dinner. But first lets dry off.
E: I got it.

I casted a spell in my head and we were dry. He held my hand and we went to the movies. I couldn't help but think about Daniel. I feel so bad for him. He deserves to be happy. I'll just talk to him tomorrow. For now I'll just enjoy my time with my boyfriend, Jax.

A/N: Hey guys. It's Yesmil, one of the account owners, so this is our first fanfic so we want to know. How was the first chapter? Did we do a good job for the first time ever doing a fanfic? Well hope you all like the first chapter 😊😘

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