29) You Give Me Something To Talk About

Start from the beginning

"I often needed to go out of the country." she said.

"You never told me about any trip." I pointed out, a little less enraged.

"Because I wasn't allowed to talk about it."

"Yeah, sure." I rolled my eyes.

"Lynn, you have to believe me... I wanted to spit it all out but, I couldn't. Okay?"

"Well, why not? Were they threatening you? Are you in the Witness Protection Program? A spy? Who are you really?" I asked, then paused "Do you even exist?" she sighed and nodded.
"Yes, I do. And it was none of that. But I get why you want explanations and I think you deserve some." she said and sighed.

"I'm all ears." I said, quietly. She rubbed the back of her neck and searched for the right words to spell. I guess it wasn't easy for her to word a speech about not being an imaginary friend.

"My father works for the American government... and it wasn't easy for me to go wherever I wanted to. All the family needed to lay low." she started.

"It wasn't a job like the others. He's in the secret services, you know. American secrets." Okay. That was unexpected. Secret services... I just heard something really astonishing, I wasn't sure what to do so I just took a deep breath.

"That explains why you moved..." I mumbled to myself. Yet I wondered why she was telling me. I mean, it was incredibly private information. It's stoking that she trusts me this much.

"Yes... We had moved several times. I loved hanging out with you, I swear, but I had no choice. When the call comes, we don't question it and start packing. I actually tried to protest because I wanted to either stay here or having you come with us." I raised my eyebrows.

She wanted me to come with...? I wasn't expecting this. Until now, I just thought she was an asshole for not telling me anything and giving me this roller coaster ride of anxiety due to the fact I was going insane.

"You know... By the time you were gone, my parents inducted the conviction that you didn't exist in my head. I started to think you were an hallucination..." I confessed, smiling sadly and looking down.

I adverted her gaze and saw her giving a sympathetic look as well.

"I'm sorry for what you went through... Especially because of me. I truly am." she said. I could tell she was sincere, her voice sounded really serious. I nodded and looked up at her again, locking eyes with her.

"Why are you back?" I asked. Then she grinned.
"Because there's a few things I wanted to get back." she said simply, and I tilted my head to the side, giving a confused look.

"What do you mean?" she rolled her eyes.

"Isn't it clear? This time, you're coming with me. I mean, if you want to, but I don't think you'll pass this opportunity."

"Wait, what? To go where? Why would I come?" I stumbled my words. My head was so messed up at the moment that thoughts were entangling to themselves and I couldn't think straight. To make it short, I was confused as hell.

"To your favourite destination." she replied, still grinning. I still didn't get it.

"Got it, you're bad at guessing. Have your dreams been replaced with something else recently or you're still up to find your happy place?" she asked. My eyes grew wide and my mouth shot open.


"WHAT." I echoed my thoughts and got up rather quickly. She giggled.

"Hey, don't freak out. You already knew that place existed, didn't you?" She said, cooly. I stood there with my mouth wide open staring at her, not knowing how to react. Apparently she was getting a little annoyed by my reaction cause she rolled her eyes.

"Alright, I'll tell you what. You have two options, you either come with me and bring your friends along, or you stay here and keep going with your life." She said, turning very serious.

"Who assures me this is not bullshit? How comes you show up all of a sudden like this?" I asked, crossing my arms.

I trusted Alexa a lot when we were little, but after all I couldn't tell if she was just playing, messing with me. Not yet at least. Part of me wanted to scream yes, that I'd go with her, but my gumption was telling me to wait for more answers and reason about it before possibly getting humiliated.

"Look, it's up to you. You can believe me if you want, you can decline the offer if you want. If you have questions, I'll do my best to answer them." She said. Hell yeah, I did have so many questions. "But not now." She added. I frowned and gave a confused look.


"I will answer if you come with me, only in that case. I can't do otherwise." I meditated about it, not questioning her statement. If she couldn't, she couldn't, the reason wouldn't change a fact.

What may I have to lose? I hated my life back here. I based my knowledge and mentality off that beautiful place and now she was offering me a ride to it, why was I even hesitant? I had been preparing myself to this moment for so long.

"Okay." I breathed out. "I'll come." She smiled to me and gave a firm nod, standing up.

"Great. Return to your house, pack your stuff and call who you want to bring. Just a few people, pick carefully. Also, take this." She handed me a folded piece of paper. I looked at it for a few seconds as she spoke.

"It's the address where we'll meet up. Show up at midnight, kay?"

"Why so late?" I asked.

"Is it a problem?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I mean, no, I guess..."

"Good! Then I'll see you later and... give you the answers you deserve." She was already walking away when I called her name.

"Alexa!" she stopped dead in her tracks and turned back around to me.


"Are you sure you really exist?" I asked, awkwardly. At this point I couldn't be sure about anything. She smirked to me.

"I am. As long as you're willing to believe it." She winked and left right after, leaving me with a feeling of confusion. We had just met up after ages and she was already messing with my mind.

But it didn't matter, I had a track now. I was willing to believe in Alexa, I was willing to test myself, and to leave all the darkness behind.

This is not just all in your head.


A/N: Another early update! Oh Alexa is amazing

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