(OLD) Chapter 2

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I felt a cold breeze blow through my wet pelt of fur as me and Crest walked home.I watched as Crest used his nose to push a bush to the side and dive in. The bushes were in front of a thick, tall, and rough tree.
"Hey. You coming?" I looked down at Crest as he had his head popping out of the bush. I slowly walked through the thick and rough bushes, as it immediately lead to a long tunnel. Crest was a head of me but it was still easy to push through the tunnel. I soon found myself in the kitchen, behind an unfamiliar figure. The figure, long, thin, and black with circles that gleamed yellow, turned around and smiled at me.
"Eevee! Where have you been all day?" I felt a tail fall on my shoulder as I look to see Star, my oldest sister.
"Star! Me and Crest were down at the river, practicing how to swim against currents! I only have one question. Who is that?" Star looked at the figure and then back at me.
"Eevee, this is your newly evolved brother, Moonlight!" I took a long look at my brother and relized he had evolved before me. I was only a little jealous, but I still was hoping to evolve first.
"What?! *sigh* I was hoping I could evolve before you Moonlight..." I felt Moonlight get close to me and give me a lick on the head. I could tell he still cared for me, which cheered me up a bit.
"Listen. I will help you evolve if you chose which eeveelution you want to be. Okay?" I wanted to lick Moonlights shoulder in return, but I looked at my mother, who had just entered the room.
"Mom. How did you evolve?" I saw mom freeze in her tracks and think long and hard.
"Oh me? I evolved from a.... ugh... Sun stone. YEA!" My mom rushed off before I could ask her another question.
"WOW! That was fun! Chili, next time, can you try not to melt the igloo..." Crystal entered the room with a few snowflakes on her body. Chili, close behind, was covered head to toe in snow. I could feel him shake off some of the snowflakes before sitting down.
"ZAP!!!!!!" Crest screamed at the top of his lungs in pain.
"Crest, I can't help it and you know that!" Zap said as he rolled around the floor in laughter.
I guess my whole family is here. Crest, Chili, Zap, Moonlight, Star, Flora, and Crystal. I would never ask for a different family.
"Eevee?" I look up from my deep thoughts and see Flora in front of me. No one else was around and it started to get really dark in the kitchen.
"Eevee. It's time for bed." Flora got up and walked over to the girls room. I followed closely behind. I hopped over Flora who was already passed out and stepped into my mossy bed. Star was over by Crystal instead of by me like usual. I snuggled up with my small stuffed animal and fell asleep to a lullaby in my head.


End of Chapter 2!

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