The Goal Post (2)

Start from the beginning

"Thanks for noticing." I rolled my eyes. Heading towards the football.

"There's something on your butt, need help?" Ethan remarked cheekily.

I flushed. I brushed my hand on my backside, feeling dried grass and mud. Quickly patting it off, I glare at the brown haired, green eyed devil. "You're horrible."

"You love me."

"Unfortunately." My heart raced uncontrollably. Stop it, it's just Ethan. I stepped closer to him, "This is going to sound awfully stupid..."

"It wouldn't be the first time."

"Ethan!" I whacked his chest lightly, "Take it back."

"No." He ran his hand through my blonde hair, effectively messing it up.

I moved my head away. He laughed, still maintaining his grip on my shoulder, keeping me in place with another hand in my hair.

"Keep your hands off my hair," I said trying to move away, failing drastically, laughing the whole time. I gave up trying to move him away. He was far stronger. Instead, I settled for shoving him away from me.

Ethan didn't expect that. He stumbled, catching onto me but his hold doesn't help, because I lost my balance. We both stumbled. He fell on the grass, I fell on him.

"You're fat," He groaned.

I rolled off him to the grass, lying down, face to the sky, closing my eyes. I groaned.


I stayed silent.

Ethan's voice was urgent this time, "Grey?" He was also much closer, I could smell his familiar lemon scent from being so near. I groaned again, feigning injury. "Shit Ivy, did I injure you?"

"Back," I groaned out, hoping he didn't catch my smile.

"Don't move." He warned.

Quickly, I realised he may call for help. Back injuries were serious. In order to prevent him from leaving, I said, "Don't go." I opened my eyes, his eyes met mine. He was closer than I thought. He was close enough I could see the flecks of blue in his green eyes and I could see the freckles on his skin, it made him look boyish. My heart raced again at how close we are. The concern left his eyes as he realised I was joking, he sat up.

"You're a nitwit."

This was familiar ground, something I could deal with, "You're the one who fell for it," I pulled myself up. "Are you okay?"

"Well, my back is sore. It'll help if I could get a massage," Ethan suggested.

I punched his shoulder lightly, "You'll live." I added for good measure, "There's mud on your back."

"Yours to," Ethan pointed out. "I'll get it off." Sitting on the ground he patted the ground in front of him. Thanking the heavens I hadn't worn white today, I sat in between his legs, feeling him brush off the leaves and dirt that was on my shirt. When he was done I was tempted to lean into his chest. I wondered what it felt like. Then I stopped myself. We were long past the age it was okay to do that to your friend.


Ethan and I had a platonic relationship. I told him when he was done, "I'll do yours." I moved behind him, brushing off the grass and sand. Then I stood up, pulling him to his feet, "You were planning on teaching me how to kick?" He smelt strongly of earth now with a twinge of lemon.

"Right," He glanced back at the goalpost, "Mickail looks like he's ready." Part of me felt mildly relieved but most of me felt disappointed, briefly I wondered how long Mickail looked like he was ready. I could feel the blood rushing to my face.

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