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He ran. He didn't stop until he got to his special tree, where he and Paige had their first kiss. He dug up the small chest that he buried after they broke up. Inside, he put happy pictures of them since they were small kids, and special tokens, and friendship bracelets that the three friends had made when they were little. But as Spencer stared at this, he cried. He couldn't hold back the sob he had held in for so long anymore. He missed her. He missed Aphrodite. But he also missed Paige. He missed their late night movies and cuddling. He missed their kisses, their warm bear hugs, he missed her. F*ck. She made him go f*cking crazy. He needed her back. He was going to fight for her. Whatever it takes.


He decided to run all the way to Paige's house, after hours of sobbing and thinking. He thought he was going to turn into a girl because he was acting so much like one.

As he got to the house he hasn't been at since the year before, he felt nervous. But he had to do this. He walked up to the front door, and knocked.

He was surprised to see that Paige had opened the door. He thought her mom would've, considering that Paige had been crying the whole time at the funeral.

She was surprised to see him too. "Um...hi? Can I help you?"

Spencer drew in a breath. "We need to talk. About us."

Sorry for the short chapter. I had nothing else to write, be everything else is for the next chapter ;')
ALSO MMATCS IS COMING TO AN END. I know some people say that my chapters are short, and I'm sorry about that, and some people say my story is short too. But that's why I write short stories. Whenever I try to write some long book, I can never finish it. TYSM GUYS FOR BEARING WITH ME AND ILYSM. ♡

keep dreaming,


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